Why does Africa still use DDT?

Why does Africa still use DDT?

Using DDT to Battle Malaria The United States banned DDT in 1972 and environmental groups are trying to outlaw the pesticide worldwide. But in developing countries, it continues to be a cost-effective way to combat malaria, a disease that kills more than 1 million people a year in Africa.

Why DDT is banned in most of the countries?

In 1972, EPA issued a cancellation order for DDT based on its adverse environmental effects, such as those to wildlife, as well as its potential human health risks. As a result, today, DDT is classified as a probable human carcinogen by U.S. and international authorities.

Why should DDT be banned?

Because DDT can travel long distances and accumulate in the body, millions of humans and animals worldwide have buildups of the chemical in their tissue, even though it may have been used on another continent. …

Why is DDT commonly used in South Africa?

In South Africa, as in several other developing countries, the use of the powerful insecticide DDT is allowed for malaria control in high-risk areas such as KwaZulu-Natal and Limpopo. In addition, DDT is known to mimic oestrogen, while DDE is anti-androgenic.

How poisonous is DDT?

How toxic is DDT? DDT is slightly to moderately acutely toxic to mammals, including humans, when ingested. See box on Laboratory Testing. The acute oral LD50 (rat) is 113 to 800 milligrams per kilogram of body weight or mg/kg (6).

What are the harmful effects of DDT?

Human health effects from DDT at low environmental doses are unknown. Following exposure to high doses, human symptoms can include vomiting, tremors or shakiness, and seizures. Laboratory animal studies showed effects on the liver and reproduction. DDT is considered a possible human carcinogen.

What are the effects of DDT?

What did DDT do to humans?

Is DDT good or bad?

DDT is classified as “moderately toxic” by the US National Toxicology Program (NTP) and “moderately hazardous” by WHO, based on the rat oral LD 50 of 113 mg/kg. Indirect exposure is considered relatively non-toxic for humans.

What happens if you eat DDT?

How is DDT being used in the world?

The only remaining legal use of DDT is to control malaria-carrying mosquitoes. A devastating disease, malaria kills more than 800,000 people every year, the majority of deaths among children in Sub-Saharan Africa. Indoor spraying with DDT is one of a number of tools being used to control malaria around the world.

How many countries in Africa use DDT indoors?

South Africa has again re-introduced DDT for indoor residual spraying to keep malaria case and fatality numbers at all-time low levels and move towards malaria elimination. Today, 14 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa are using IRS and 10 of those are using DDT.

Who are the groups that are against DDT?

Attacks on Carson from groups like The Competitive Enterprise Institute and Africa Fighting Malaria portray DDT as the simple solution to malaria, and blame Carson for “millions of deaths in Africa.”

Is there an indoor use of DDT for malaria?

Views about the use of insecticides for indoor protection from malaria have been changing in recent years. Environmental Defense, which launched the anti-DDT campaign in the 1960s, now endorses the indoor use of DDT for malaria control, as does the Sierra Club and the Endangered Wildlife Trust.

When was DDT approved for indoor use in Africa?

In September 2006, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared its support for the indoor use of DDT in African countries where malaria remains a major health problem, citing that benefits of the pesticide outweigh the health and environmental risks.

Why is DDT used in the developing world?

Despite a surge in malaria incidence in the developing world, DDT production is decreasing, and its use is limited to those few countries that still have stockpiles or whose governments produce the chemical. Donor countries frown on DDT. The reason for this baffling disparity is that DDT has been damned by environmentalists.

How did DDT reduce the rate of malaria?

Spraying DDT in houses and on mosquito breeding grounds was the primary reason that rates of malaria around the world declined dramatically after the Second World War. Nearly one million Indians died from malaria in 1945, but DDT spraying reduced this to a few thousand by 1960.

When was the use of DDT banned in the UK?

Between 1970 and 1980, most of the developed countries banned the use of DDT in agriculture. Hungary in 1986, Norway and Sweden in 1970, West Germany and the United States in 1972 banned the use of DDT in agriculture, but it took time until 1984 for the United Kingdom to ban it.