What can go wrong with a thyroidectomy?

What can go wrong with a thyroidectomy?

Several minor complications may result from thyroid surgery. Minuto et al stated that following thyroidectomy, 40% of patients have been reported to experience minor, non-invalidating symptoms such as hoarseness, mild dysphagia, and a degree of voice alteration. Postoperative surgical site seromas may occur.

Do you gain weight after a partial thyroidectomy?

What to expect after a partial or total thyroidectomy (16-24): It might take several weeks or months to find the optimal hormone replacement therapy dose. If the dose of thyroid hormones are too low, you might experience symptoms such as tiredness, involuntary weight gain, and difficulty focusing.

How do you sleep after a partial thyroidectomy?

Head of Bed: Please elevate the head of your bed 30-45 degrees or sleep in a recliner at 30-45 degrees for the first 3-4 days to decrease swelling. The skin above the incision may look swollen after lying down for a few hours.

Do you need medication after a partial thyroidectomy?

These days I notice that things have changed for patients with partial thyroidectomies. I have personally observed people with only half of their thyroid remaining being told by doctors that there is no need for medication as the half thyroid will be able to cope with all the work. Wrong!

Can a partial thyroidectomy cause an underactive thyroid?

Hypothyroidism underactive thyroid after partial thyroidectomy Follow Posted 6 years ago,17 users are following. pat00533 Hi I had a partial thyroidectomy nearly a year ago to remove a non-malignant cyst.

Is it normal to have part of your thyroid removed?

How much of your thyroid gland is removed during thyroidectomy depends on the reason for surgery. If only a portion is removed (partial thyroidectomy), your thyroid may be able to function normally after surgery.

How to lose weight after having a thyroidectomy?

5 Tips for Weight Loss after Thyroidectomy – What your Doctor is Missing 1 Get on the Right Type and Dose of Thyroid Medication. 2 Optimize your Free T3 Levels. 3 Balance ALL Hormonal Systems in the Body. 4 Be Strict with your Diet but Don’t Restrict Calories. 5 When your Energy Improves make Exercise Count.

These days I notice that things have changed for patients with partial thyroidectomies. I have personally observed people with only half of their thyroid remaining being told by doctors that there is no need for medication as the half thyroid will be able to cope with all the work. Wrong!

Hypothyroidism underactive thyroid after partial thyroidectomy Follow Posted 6 years ago,17 users are following. pat00533 Hi I had a partial thyroidectomy nearly a year ago to remove a non-malignant cyst.

What happens to your thyroid if you have a thyroidectomy?

If your entire thyroid is removed (total thyroidectomy), you need daily treatment with thyroid hormone to replace your thyroid’s natural function. Your doctor may recommend a thyroidectomy if you have conditions such as:

When to take levothyroxine after a thyroidectomy?

Studies have shown that thyroid hormone replacement is also needed ~40% of the time after a partial thyroidectomy (ie removal of one thyroid lobe). It is unclear what the contribution to the levothyroxine dose is by the remaining thyroid remnant after a partial thyroidectomy.