Where does a varicocele usually occur in a guy?

Where does a varicocele usually occur in a guy?

This is because a guy’s body is organized so that blood flow on that side of the scrotum is greater, so varicoceles happen more often in the left testicle than the right. Although it’s less common, they can sometimes happen on both sides. What Are the Signs of a Varicocele? In most cases, guys have no symptoms at all.

How old do you have to be to get a varicocele?

This is only likely to occur in men older than 40. For example, if a varicocele suddenly develops in an older man, it may indicate a tumour of the kidney has developed which is pressing on veins. It must be stressed, the vast majority of varicoceles develop in teenagers and young men and are not due to a serious condition.

Can a varicocele recur after a successful treatment?

However, after successful treatment, some men have a return (recurrence) of a varicocele months or years later. This is because the veins left behind to do the job of taking the blood from the testes may themselves enlarge (dilate) with the extra blood they will now have to carry. A recurrence can be treated in the same way as the first time.

Can a varicocele cause infertility in a teenager?

Your infertility is otherwise unexplained. If a large varicocele develops in a teenager, the testis on the side of the varicocele may not develop as much as would be expected. For example, an annual measurement of the testes may be advised. The testis may end up being smaller than normal. This may contribute to infertility too.

What does it mean when a boy has varicocele?

The blood that is slow to return to the heart can collect in the veins, which then causes the veins to get bigger, or become swollen. When this happens in the scrotum it is called a varicocele. Although they don’t happen to every boy, varicoceles are fairly common. About 17 percent of boys between the ages of 13-25 years old have varicoceles.

Is it dangerous for a man to have a varicocele?

Varicocele’s are very common, and they are not dangerous. In fact, 15% of all adult men have a varicocele. For many men, their varicocele will go unnoticed throughout their life, or it will not cause any problems at all. About 20% of adolescents have varicoceles, so a fraction of them likely resolve spontaneously.

How many people in the world have varicoceles?

In fact, 15% of all adult men have a varicocele. For many men, their varicocele will go unnoticed throughout their life, or it will not cause any problems at all. About 20% of adolescents have varicoceles, so a fraction of them likely resolve spontaneously. What problems are associated with varicoceles?

Which is the best doctor to see for a varicocele?

Thus, the best way to detect a varicocele is by careful physical examination by a urologist. Even seasoned general urologists often are not confident about the diagnosis, so if there is any doubt, one should obtain an ultrasound and/or see a physician specializing in varicoceles and other scrotal pathology. When are varicoceles usually found?