What is a valid URL for LinkedIn?

What is a valid URL for LinkedIn?

Tap your profile photo > View Profile. Scroll down to the Contact section. Under the Your Profile section, locate your public profile URL. It’ll be an address that starts with www.linkedin.com/in.

How do I provide a link to my LinkedIn profile?

On the right-hand side of your profile page, click on “Edit public profile & URL.” This will launch a new tab. 2. Again looking to the right-hand side of your screen, under “Edit your custom URL,” take note of the URL provided there. This is the current URL address of your LinkedIn profile page.

Should you include all employment history?

It’s important to portray your employment history in the best possible manner. When you sign (on paper or online) a job application, you are attesting to the fact that what you have listed is accurate and truthful. Employers can, and do, verify the information that job applicants give them.

Do you have to include all jobs on a CV?

Do you need to include all the jobs you’ve ever had on your resume? Short answer: No, you don’t. But be prepared to explain why an old job isn’t listed on your resume if the prospective employer discovers it or asks about any employment gaps between the jobs you did list.