What is a cough with sputum production?

What is a cough with sputum production?

Sometimes when you cough, you can bring up mucus, also called phlegm or sputum. When that happens, doctors call it a “wet” or “productive” cough. When you have one, it may sound and feel like something is rattling around in your lungs. This kind of cough may happen because of an infection or another health condition.

Does Covid cause mucus cough?

While both can cause coughing, coronavirus causes a dry cough and can often leave you breathless. The common chest cold will cause a yellow or green phlegmy cough.

What does it mean when you have a productive cough?

A cough is your body’s way of protecting your lungs. Sometimes when you cough, you can bring up mucus, also called phlegm or sputum. When that happens, doctors call it a “wet” or “productive” cough.

What does it mean when you cough up frothy sputum?

Frothy sputum can sometimes be a sign of: If you’re coughing up frothy sputum, review this and other symptoms with your doctor. Looking at the color of the mucus you’re coughing up isn’t an effective diagnostic tool on its own. The most effective way of identifying bacterial infections is by testing a sample of the sputum in a laboratory.

What causes a cough with excess phlegm and mucus?

This irritation can cause a cough with excess phlegm. Infections A cough and excess mucus production are common symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections.

What does it mean when you have a wet cough?

A cough is your body’s way of protecting your lungs. Sometimes when you cough, you can bring up mucus, also called phlegm or sputum. When that happens, doctors call it a “wet” or “productive” cough.

How is mucus secreted in a productive cough?

Mucus is secreted by the airways of the lungs and helps trap invading bacteria and viruses. A productive cough is when you cough up mucus (phlegm). Mucus can also drip down the back of the throat from the nose or sinuses.

Frothy sputum can sometimes be a sign of: If you’re coughing up frothy sputum, review this and other symptoms with your doctor. Looking at the color of the mucus you’re coughing up isn’t an effective diagnostic tool on its own. The most effective way of identifying bacterial infections is by testing a sample of the sputum in a laboratory.

What does it mean when you cough up mucus?

The takeaway. Producing mucus is one of your body’s methods of protecting your respiratory system. When there is an accumulation of mucus, you tend to cough it up. Although the cause is often a response to a viral infection or an allergy, coughing up mucus could be an indication of a bacterial infection.