What are the duties of a resource teacher?

What are the duties of a resource teacher?

A resource teacher is a specialized educator that focuses on helping children with physical or educational learning difficulties to develop their reading and writing skills.

What are teaching/learning resources?

In the context of classes as an institutionalised form of teaching and learning, teaching and learning resources could be defined as the instruments of presentation and transmission of the prescribed educational material.

What are the examples of learning resources?

Learning resources might include any of the following:Textbooks.Software.Relevant reading materials.Videos.Recordings.

How do I reflect on my teaching?

10 Ways to reflect on your teachingUse exit slips. Include reflection in your lesson plan. Use a teacher reflection survey. An extra pair of teacher’s eyes. Use a reflective journal. Videotape your teaching. One-minute reflections. Reflection practice checklist.

How educators can be reflective in their practices?

Educators can reflect with colleagues, children, families and other professionals. Reflective practice means: thinking deeply about an interest, issue, event, or practice from different perspectives. being honest about all aspects of practice including elements that are positive and those that are of concern.

Why reflective thinking is useful for teachers?

Reflective practice encourages teachers to understand their learners and their abilities and needs. Reflection helps teachers to put themselves in their students’ shoes, which is something many skilled teachers do.

What are the four modes of reflection?

To understand the complexity of reflection, consider the four modes of thinking Grimmett proposed: technological, situational, deliberate, and dialectical (Danielson, 1992; Grimmett, Erickson, Mackinnon, & Riecken, 1990).

Which is the best method to teach children with special needs?

Use multi-sensory strategies. As all children learn in different ways, it is important to make every lesson as multi-sensory as possible. Students with learning disabilities might have difficulty in one area, while they might excel in another. For example, use both visual and auditory cues.

How can I improve my reflective thinking?

Developing your reflective insightsStand back from the eve nts and try to be objective.Be critical of your own actions.Think of alternative explanations of events.Make use of evidence from a range of sources e.g. theories.Recognise that your own point of view will change with time.

What is the first step in the reflective thinking method?

Terms in this set (5)Step 1: Identify and Define the Problem. Phrase the problem as a policy question. Step 2: Analyze the Problem. Step 3: Generate Several Possible Solutions. Step 4: Evaulate Options and Select the Best Solution of Combination of Solutions. Step 5: Test and Implement the Solution.

How do you practice self reflection?

If you have found yourself making these same excuses, you can become more reflective by practicing a few simple steps.Identify some important questions. But don’t answer them yet. Select a reflection process that matches your preferences. Schedule time. Start small. Do it. Ask for help.

What are the factors of reflective thinking?

It could be concluded that the six factors affected reflective thinking were reflective thinking activities, societal environment, responsibilities, open- mindedness, enthusiasm, and reflective thinking techniques.

What are the benefits of reflective practice?

Reflective practice has huge benefits in increasing self-awareness, which is a key component of emotional intelligence, and in developing a better understanding of others. Reflective practice can also help you to develop creative thinking skills, and encourages active engagement in work processes.

What is self reflection example?

Self-reflection is the habit of deliberately paying attention to your own thoughts, emotions, decisions, and behaviors. Here’s a typical example: We periodically reflect back on an event and how we handled it in hopes that we learn something from it and make better decisions in the future.

What are the types of self reflection?

Self reflection is like looking into a mirror and describing what you see. It is a way of assessing yourself, your ways of working and how you study. To put it simply ‘reflection’ means to think about something.

What is an example of introspection?

An example of introspection is when you meditate to try to understand your feelings. Contemplation of one’s own thoughts, feelings, and sensations; self-examination. A looking into one’s own mind, feelings, etc.; observation and analysis of oneself.

Is introspection good or bad?

In truth, introspection can cloud our self-perceptions and unleash a host of unintended consequences. Sometimes it may surface unproductive and upsetting emotions that can swamp us and impede positive action. Introspection might also lull us into a false sense of certainty that we’ve identified the real issue.

What is the process of introspection?

Introspection is a process that involves looking inward to examine one’s own thoughts and emotions. The experimental use of introspection is similar to what you might do when you analyze your own thoughts and feelings but in a much more structured and rigorous way.

How do I do self introspection?

All you need to do is ask yourself some questions. Ask yourself questions about yourself. Write down the questions, then write down your answers to the questions. Ask yourself about your past, present, and future, and compose answers to the questions that are positive, insightful, and motivating to you.

How do I stop being so introspective?

How to See Yourself Clearly: Skip the Introspection TrapIntrospection is like a lantern — it might provide light, but it doesn’t guarantee seeing.Thinking about yourself is not correlated with knowing yourself.To increase your self-awareness you need to look outside, not just inside.You are mutable. Understand your personal evolution. Ask for feedback.