Does a broken toe hurt the next day?

Does a broken toe hurt the next day?

If it only hurts for a couple of hours, then it’s probably just stubbed. If it hurts the rest of the day and longer, you may have a fracture. When you stub your toe, it’s normal to expect some bruising and even some blood under the toenail.

Should I go to the doctor for a broken little toe?

You can manage a fractured toe very safely yourself as long as it isn’t your big toe, isn’t crooked or out of line and there is no skin wound over or near the fracture. You should, however, see a doctor for your broken toe if: The pain becomes worse and isn’t relieved by normal painkillers.

When do you get a broken little toe?

Mar 30, 2018. Broken little toe, or a broken toe in general, is a fairly common injury caused by hitting the toe on something, dropping a heavy object on it or if someone stomps on it during an intense game of basketball (I`ve included this example because that is exactly what happened to me some time ago).

What should I wear with a broken toe?

Instead, special flat-footed orthopedic shoes should be worn, as prescribed by your doctor. Care for severe breaks according to your doctor’s guidance. If your break is severe enough to require a cast, brace, or special walking shoes, you’ll probably have to rest it completely for 6 to 8 weeks.

What to do if you have a broken toenail?

take ibuprofen and paracetamol for the pain and swelling. rest your foot and keep it raised. hold an ice pack (or bag of frozen peas) wrapped in a towel on your toe for up to 20 minutes every few hours.

Why does it take so much force to break a toe?

Generally it takes quite a lot of force to break a bone. However, toe bones are more vulnerable because they are small bones and because they are on the edge of the body, so are more likely to be injured in the first place. A broken little toe, caused by stubbing it, may be particularly common due to its position.

Mar 30, 2018. Broken little toe, or a broken toe in general, is a fairly common injury caused by hitting the toe on something, dropping a heavy object on it or if someone stomps on it during an intense game of basketball (I`ve included this example because that is exactly what happened to me some time ago).

Is it possible to walk on a broken toenail?

In many cases an injury to the toe also involves damage to the toenail, which further increases your risk of infection should the toenail expose the tissue underneath. The fracture usually makes it extremely painful to walk, although this is not always the case. Even if you can still manage to walk on the toe,…

What should I take for pain from a broken toe?

Medications. You can usually manage pain from a broken toe with over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others), naproxen sodium (Aleve) or acetaminophen (Tylenol, others). Your doctor may prescribe stronger painkillers if the pain from your fracture is more severe.

When do you need a cast for a broken toe?

Casting may be required in more severe fractures: where the big toe is injured, the joint is damaged, the injury involves various small toe fractures at once, or if a bone in the foot is injured in addition to the fractured toe. When wearing a cast, a sturdy shoe should be worn to provide maximum comfort and support.

Will broken toe ever stop hurting?

With a walking cast, you should be able to walk and resume most non-strenuous activities within a week or two after injuring your toe. The pain should diminish gradually if the bone is healing properly.

Can a broken toe hurt years later?

Long-term pain in the toe. Broken bones can cause ongoing pain if they are not allowed to heal properly. Walking on the broken toe too soon can delay or prevent healing. This may cause pain for months or even years after the injury.

What can happen to an untreated broken toe?

A fractured toe that’s left untreated can lead to infection You’re at increased risk of developing a bone infection if you have diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, or a compromised or weakened immune system. Symptoms that suggest your toe has developed a bone infection include: Fatigue. Fever.

When did I break the toe next to my big toe?

I broke the toe next to my big toe 3 weeks ago just stepping down from a rock. It snapped. It is more painful now than when it first occurred. The whole top of my foot turned black and blue.

When to go to the doctor for a broken toe?

Treating a broken toe at home is viable option if you’ve determined that the toe has displayed none of the broken toe complications listed above or any sever broken toe symptoms that would warrant medical attention. It’s even easier to home heal a toe if you only have a sprained toe or dislocated toe.

What are the symptoms of a broken pinky toe?

Symptoms. The most common symptoms of a broken pinky toe include: a popping sound when the injury occurs. throbbing pain that’s immediate and may fade after a few hours. difficulty putting weight on your foot. pinky toe seeming out of alignment. swelling and bruising. burning. a damaged toenail.

Can a broken toe still hurt after surgery?

Extended Toe Pain: Even after the toe has been treated, a patient may still pain or stiffness in the toe and may display arthritic symptoms. Improper Healing: In rare circumstances the toe may not heal correctly. The bone may not heal fully (nonunion) or improperly (malunion).

When do you wake up with a broken toe?

It happens to everyone at some point: You get up in the middle of the night for a glass of water, and “BAM” – you’ve whacked your big toe on the side of the bed. As you hop around in agony, you wonder, “Did I just break my toe?!”

What kind of pain does a broken toe cause?

Long-term pain in the toe. Broken bones can cause ongoing pain if they are not allowed to heal properly. Walking on the broken toe too soon can delay or prevent healing. This may cause pain for months or even years after the injury. Arthritis in the affected joint.

Can a doctor diagnose a broken toe over the Internet?

Even qualified doctors can’t diagnose over the internet, so do bear that in mind when seeking or giving advice. To use this feature subscribe to Mumsnet Premium – get first access to new features see fewer ads, and support Mumsnet. How long off work with broken toe? Hi there. I broke my toe just over four weeks ago.