Can a child take too much or too little medicine?

Can a child take too much or too little medicine?

Too little medicine can be ineffective and too much could be harmful. Also, different medicines have different concentrations of ingredients. So always check the bottle and ask the pharmacist if you have questions. Make sure the doctor and pharmacist know if your child has any allergies or takes other medicines regularly.

What to do if your child accidentally takes medicine?

If your child accidentally takes medicine, call the Poison Control Center right away for guidance at 1-800-222-1222. Put this number in your cellphone and post it where others can see it in your home. How Can We Safely Dispose of Medicines? The best way to dispose of unwanted medicines is through a medicine disposal site.

Can you give a child the same medicine as an adult?

Even if two people have the same illness, they may need different drugs with different dosages and directions. Never give a child a medicine that is meant for adults. Check with your doctor or pharmacist before giving two types of medicines with the same ingredients to your child.

What do you need to know about giving medicines to children?

When giving your child medicines, you’ll need to know: how the medicine should be given. For example: taken by mouth; breathed into the lungs; inserted into the ears, eyes, or rectum; or applied to the skin any special instructions, like whether the medicine should be taken with or without food

Is it okay to give a child another dose of Medicine?

But enough may have entered your child’s system, and giving another full dose could be dangerous. The same applies to children who vomit within an hour of downing medicine. In both cases, it’s best to call your pediatrician, who can advise you on whether — depending on the drug — it’s okay to give another dose.

What are some mistakes parents make when giving medicine to kids?

Doctors say many well-intentioned parents slip up when giving medication to their children. Some mistakes can prolong a child’s illness, cause bothersome side effects, and even sabotage treatment. Here’s what to look out for: 1. Not using exact measurements.

Can a parent refuse to put their child on medication?

You and your son’s doctor believe that he should be on medication, but your spouse refuses: “There’s nothing wrong with my son. I won’t let you put him on medication.” Your parents or in-laws insist that there is nothing wrong with their granddaughter: “You just need to be more firm with her.” You are divorced and have shared custody.

When do parents disagree about ADHD medications?

Your ex refuses permission for you to administer medication, or even threatens to go to court to stop you from giving it to your child. Raising a child or adolescent with attention deficit disorder (ADHD or ADD) is not an easy task. Ideally, both parents participate in the evaluation process.