Why is my toe infection purple?

Why is my toe infection purple?

When an infection or injury deteriorates into gangrene, the symptoms get more serious. Often the gangrenous skin will change colors, going pale and turning blue, black, purple, bronze, or even red depending on the type of gangrene.

Why do I have purple feet and purple toes?

Perhaps the most common cause for purple feet or purple toes in general is acrocyanosis. Acrocyanosis basically means (in Latin) “blue extremity”. The most common cause is called “primary”. That basically means there is no underlying disease that is causing it.

Why are my toes turning red and bluish?

Raynaud’s syndrome is commonly induced by cold weather or stress and can cause the toes to turn a bluish, red or purple color. 19 If it’s not associated with any other disease (known as Primary Raynaud’s) then it’s considered a benign condition and won’t result in any tissue damage.

What kind of pain does Blue toe syndrome cause?

What is blue toe syndrome? Blue toe syndrome can cause muscle pain in the legs, as well as severe pain in the foot. Doctors sometimes call it occlusive vasculopathy or trash foot. Blue toe syndrome is a form of acute digital ischemia.

Why are the tips of my toenails red and swollen?

Sometimes, a severe fungal infection of the toenails can spread into the surrounding skin, causing swelling and tenderness. If the skin around your nails is swollen and red, check for other telltale symptoms of toenail fungus, such as thickening of the nails]

What’s causing my purple toes?

  • Acrocyanosis. Acrocyanosis also reduces healthy blood flow in the arteries of your feet. The meaning of the term…
  • Raynaud’s disease. Raynaud’s disease is similar to acrocyanosis in some ways. Both conditions are often…

    Why is my toe purple under my toenail?

    If you know you’ve banged up your toes, playing sport or by accident, then a purple toe may be just a sign of bruising, known as a subungual hematoma. This black/purplish discoloration is caused by an injury to the blood vessels under the toenail.

    Why do toenails turn purple?

    If your toenails are purple, this may be due to a subungual hematoma, or bruising under the nail bed. “Small blood vessels bleed underneath the nail staining it darker,” says Dr. Miguel Cunha, founder of the NYC-based Gotham Footcare.

    What causes cold purple toes?

    The venous circulation, which carries oxygen-depleted blood back to the heart, is also involved in some conditions that cause cold, purple feet. Peripheral artery disease is the most common culprit for these symptoms.