Why is my discharge sometimes clear and sometimes white?

Why is my discharge sometimes clear and sometimes white?

Excess vaginal discharge can occur as a result of arousal, ovulation, or infections. Normal vaginal discharge ranges in color from clear or milky to white. The consistency of vaginal discharge also varies from thin and watery to thick and sticky. Generally, healthy vaginal discharge should be relatively odorless.

Is it normal to have white specks in discharge?

Normal discharge may appear clear, cloudy white, and/or yellowish when dry on clothing. It may also contain white flecks and at times may be thin and stringy.

What does it mean when you have milky white discharge?

This is also described as an “egg white” discharge. Thinner vaginal mucus can be a sign that you’re approaching ovulation. When you get closer to your period, the vaginal discharge thickens and becomes opaque. Similarly this milky white vaginal discharge can be an indicator of pregnancy.

Is it normal to have white discharge during your menstrual cycle?

Most of the time, milky white discharge is a normal part of your menstrual cycle. Called leukorrhea, this discharge can be white, off-white, or clear in color. It may change colors or become thicker or thinner throughout your menstrual cycle.

What does it mean when you have white discharge in your underwear?

There are a few signs associated with white vaginal discharge that indicate that you may have an infection of some kind: Unusual Texture —your white discharge is chunky like cottage cheese, extremely thick like cream cheese, or frothy like foam or soap bubbles. Odor —you have unusually smelly discharge; particularly a fishy or rotten smell.

Why does my vaginal discharge look like cottage cheese?

Yeast Infection When your vaginal discharge is milky white in color but is thick and clumpy in texture, it may be a sign of a yeast infection. The discharge caused by a yeast infection is white or off-white and often resembles cottage cheese. Yeast infections are caused by an overgrowth of candida, or yeast, that grows naturally in the vagina.

Is it normal to have white milky discharge?

White milky discharge is normal and does not necessarily indicate the presence of an infection unless it’s accompanied by other symptoms such as itching, fishy odor and burning at urination. Sometimes, the only cause triggering your discharge to turn whitish is a possible pregnancy.

What does it mean when your vaginal discharge is white?

Women usually experience thin, milky white discharge before their menstrual period leading up to ovulation. As they approach ovulation, their discharge may become clear, stretchy, and voluminous, resembling a raw egg white. When your vaginal discharge is milky white in color but is thick and clumpy in texture, it may be a sign of a yeast infection.

What’s the purpose of milky white discharge during pregnancy?

The role of milky white discharge is to protect the birth canal from infection and maintain a healthy balance of bacteria in the vagina. The discharge may turn brown or pink during pregnancy, and unless you are heavily bleeding, this shouldn’t be a concern.

What does it look like when you have a lot of discharge?

One of the most common complaints for which women consult gynecologists is the increase in the amount of vaginal discharge that they experience. While sometimes the discharge appears to be milky white and bears no odor, many women report the appearance of an unpleasant smell, thicker consistency and genital discomfort.