Why is my breast biopsy inconclusive?

Why is my breast biopsy inconclusive?

Your doctor may recommend incisional biopsy if a needle biopsy is inconclusive — that is, the results are unclear or not definite — or if the suspicious area is too large to sample easily with a needle. As with needle biopsy, there is some possibility that incisional biopsy can return a false negative result.

How is a breast biopsy wound treated?

Caring for Your Biopsy Site

  1. Keep the bandage on your biopsy site until the day after your biopsy.
  2. Leave the Steri-Strips™ (thin strips of paper tape) on your biopsy site.
  3. You can shower 24 hours (1 day) after your biopsy.
  4. You may have swelling and bruising after your biopsy.

What should I know about breast biopsy procedures?

This can be done in a few ways. With a core needle biopsy, ultrasound or MRI guidance may be used. With an open procedure, stereotactic surgery or wire localization may be recommended to make sure the biopsy samples the abnormality.

Can a breast biopsy be negative for breast cancer?

With an open procedure, stereotactic surgery or wire localization may be recommended to make sure the biopsy samples the abnormality. Overall, 70% to 80% of biopsies will be negative for cancer, but they may reveal benign breast diseases or conditions that predispose you to breast cancer.

Can a core needle biopsy be done on a silicone breast?

In women with silicone breast implants, a core needle biopsy may not be advisable. Using vacuum assistance with a core needle biopsy may be ineffective if the lesion is near the chest wall. The tables used for stereotactic biopsies often have a weight limit of 300 pounds.

How many breast biopsies are positive for cancer?

Overall, between 20% and 30% of breast biopsies are positive for cancer. If your biopsy reveals cancer, your report will describe the tumor in a number of ways (with the exception of a fine needle biopsy).

How to deal with pain after breast biopsy?

Putting an ice pack, covered with a towel, over your breast wound may help decrease pain and swelling. Put an ice pack on the area for 15 to 20 minutes every hour as long as your caregiver suggests. Do not sleep on the ice pack as you may get frostbite.

How does a fine needle biopsy work for breast cancer?

Fine needle biopsy. During a fine needle biopsy, you’ll lie on a table while your surgeon inserts a small needle and syringe into the lump and extracts a sample. This helps determine the difference between a liquid-filled cyst and a solid mass lump.

What are the benefits and risks of a breast biopsy?

Be sure to follow your doctor’s instructions for care after the biopsy. This will greatly reduce your chance of infection. Complications from a biopsy are rare. The benefits of having your potentially cancerous lump inspected far outweigh the risks from the procedure. The quicker breast cancer is detected, the faster treatment can begin.

When to remove the bandage after a breast biopsy?

Ask your caregiver for more information about these or other tests you may need. The bandage over your wound may be removed two days after your procedure. Ask your caregiver how to care for you wound, including what to do when showering or bathing.