Why is menopause more difficult for some women than for others?

Why is menopause more difficult for some women than for others?

Thus, when a woman comes into menopause and she’s in a state of adrenal fatigue or adrenal insufficiency, she’ll have a bumpier time going through menopause because the adrenals can’t take up the job of supplying the hormones lost when the ovaries quit producing.

How long does perimenopause last before you enter menopause?

During perimenopause, your body begins to make less estrogen. This continues until the last one or two years of perimenopause until your hormone levels drop rapidly. Perimenopause can start up to 10 years before you enter menopause. It often begins in your 40s, but some women enter perimenopause in their 30s.

Is it normal to have difficulty concentrating during menopause?

As difficulty concentrating during the menopause is usually a symptom which improves once through this phase of life, there are few medicines which your doctor will be able to prescribe specifically for this symptom. Your doctor may ask you to consider treatment using HRT if hormonal changes are the root of your problem.

Can a heavy period be a symptom of menopause?

The road to menopause comes with many changes. Night sweats, hormonal imbalances, and vaginal dryness are a few of the well-known symptoms of perimenopause. Heavy, painful periods are also a symptom that’s quite common — roughly 25 percent of women report experiencing them.

Thus, when a woman comes into menopause and she’s in a state of adrenal fatigue or adrenal insufficiency, she’ll have a bumpier time going through menopause because the adrenals can’t take up the job of supplying the hormones lost when the ovaries quit producing.

Do you still have hot flashes at the end of menopause?

Yet some women have hot flashes often enough to be bothersome. If you still get hot flashes or other symptoms of menopause, talk to your doctor about hormone therapy and other treatments. The transition to menopause begins and ends at different times for each woman.

When do women go through the perimenopause phase?

Many women enter the perimenopausal phase in their late 40s. Perimenopause means “around menopause.” At this stage, your estrogen and progesterone production slows, and you begin to make the transition into menopause. Perimenopause can last for 8 to 10 years.

What are the symptoms of menopause after a year?

Once a full year has passed since your last period, you’re officially in the postmenopausal phase. You may still have some of the same symptoms you experienced during perimenopause and menopause, including: hot flashes. night sweats. mood changes. vaginal dryness. difficulty sleeping. irritability and other mood changes.