Why is it important for people to quit smoking?

Why is it important for people to quit smoking?

Smoking causes immediate damage to your body, which can lead to long-term health problems. For every smoking-related death, at least 30 Americans live with a smoking-related illness. The only proven strategy to protect yourself from harm is to never smoke, and if you do smoke or use tobacco products, to quit.

What happens to your body when you smoke cigarettes?

Smoking weakens your immune system so you’re more likely to get bacterial and viral infections. Smoking increase the risk of gum diseases, tooth loss and tooth sensitivity. Once a person has gum damage, smoking also makes it harder for their gums to heal. Smoking reduces blood flow to the inner ear.

What kind of things are associated with smoking?

Other than actual smoking equipment, many other items are associated with smoking; cigarette cases, cigar boxes, lighters, matchboxes, cigarette holders, cigar holders, ashtrays, silent butlers, pipe cleaners, tobacco cutters, match stands, pipe tampers, cigarette companions and so on.

Why do people smoke cigarettes in some cultures?

In some cultures, smoking is also carried out as a part of various rituals, where participants use it to help induce trance -like states that, they believe, can lead them to spiritual enlightenment . Smoking is one of the most common forms of recreational drug use.

Why smoking is bad argument?

The arguments against smoking are well known. Smoking has been shown to be dangerous to health. Heart disease, bronchitis and lung cancer have all been linked. If you smoke, you have a higher risk of dying from heart attack or stroke. In itself, this is a good reason to leave your cigarettes in the packet.

How does smoking damages your health?

Smoking increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, which includes coronary heart disease and stroke. Smoking damages the lining of your arteries, leading to a build up of fatty material (atheroma) which narrows the artery. The carbon monoxide in tobacco smoke reduces the amount of oxygen in your blood.

How does smoking and nicotine damage your body?

Smoking damages your entire cardiovascular system. Nicotine causes blood vessels to tighten, which restricts the flow of blood. Over time, the ongoing narrowing, along with damage to the blood vessels, can cause peripheral artery disease. Smoking also raises blood pressure, weakens blood vessel walls, and increases blood clots .

What are the long term effects of smoking?

Long-term Effects of Smoking. The long-term effects of smoking are extensive. There are numerous diseases linked to smoking. Smoking can cause cancer of the mouth and throat and lung cancer, and can increase the risk for stomach (gastric) cancer, kidney cancer, bladder cancer, cervical cancer, and pancreatic cancer.