Why does my stomach always have issues?
Why does my stomach always have issues?
Stomach problems may be caused by conditions of the digestive tract including: Bacterial, parasitic or viral infection of the gastrointestinal tract. Celiac disease (severe sensitivity to gluten from wheat and other grains that causes intestinal damage) Diverticulitis (inflammation of an abnormal pocket in the colon)
What does it mean to have stomach pain for a long time?
Abdominal Pain (Stomach Pain), Long-term. Ongoing or recurrent abdominal pain (stomach pain), also called chronic pain, may be difficult to diagnose, causing frustration for both you and your doctor.
How often does abdominal pain come and go?
Acute abdominal pain develops, and often resolves, over a few hours to a few days. Chronic abdominal pain may be intermittent, or episodic, meaning it may come and go. This type of pain may be present for weeks to months, or even years.
How long does it take for stomach pain to go away?
A stomachache that comes and goes, but never goes away for good, can truly be a pain. If you have at least three of them over 3 months, and they’re severe enough to keep you from doing everyday activities, you have what doctors call “recurrent abdominal pain ” (RAP). The treatment you need will depend on the cause of your pain.
What kind of stomach problems do I have?
… I had my appendix removed over a year ago. Since then I have had gastro problems; nausea, diarrhea, stomach pains, increased ovarian cyst (that’s what it feels like). I have recently started cutting out coffee, diary and wheat, which seems to be helping somewhat.
How long does pain in stomach last for?
Acute pain starts over a few hours or days and may come with other symptoms. Chronic pain lasts longer — from weeks to months or more — and may come and go. Progressive pain gets worse over time and often comes with other symptoms.
When does chronic abdominal pain come and go?
Physical Causes and Features of Chronic Abdominal Pain. Chronic abdominal pain is pain that is present for more than 3 months. It may be present all the time (chronic) or come and go (recurring). Chronic abdominal pain usually occurs in children beginning after age 5 years.
When to worry about your stomach and bowels?
Especially if you’re stressed, have been traveling, or just started new medications—all of which could lead to an irritable belly or bowels—don’t freak out. “It doesn’t mean you should ignore your stomach, but it’s probably not too concerning,” Esrailian says. (Looking to take back control of your health?
How long does a stomach bug usually last?
But typically symptoms don’t last longer than a few days. Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. Advertising on our site helps support our mission. We do not endorse non-Cleveland Clinic products or services. Policy