Why does my outside calf muscle hurt?

Why does my outside calf muscle hurt?

Muscle Strain Stretch too far or put too much pressure on your calf, and you can strain your muscle. If so, you’ll have a dull ache that worsens when you move. Swelling, redness, or a bruise are also common, and it may hurt to rise up on your toes. Rest and ice can help.

What causes sharp pain in the calf muscle?

A calf muscle strain occurs when the muscle fibers in the calf tear either partially or completely. The symptoms will vary depending on the severity of the strain, but most people will experience sudden, sharp pain and tenderness at the calf muscle site.

What are the symptoms of a pulled calf muscle?

With a calf strain there is usually sudden, intense pain, the area may be tender to touch with swelling and bruising and walking is often difficult. There are three grades of calf muscle strain, depending on how much of the muscle is damaged.

How to tell if you have a strain in your calf?

Calf strains (which most commonly occur in the gastrocnemius muscle) may be minor or very severe and are typically graded as follows: ​​​ Grade 1 calf strain: The muscle is stretched causing some small micro tears in the muscle fibers. A person will be able to continue the activity but will have pain.

How long does it take for calf pain to go away?

Like gastrocnemius strains, you may not feel pain right away; bruising, pain, and swelling may take a few minutes, hours, or even days to develop. Some people may also have cramping of the calf muscle. Fortunately, this injury should also heal on its own.

What to do for calf muscle pain?

An ice pack, which can help with calf muscle pain. Ice cubes placed in a plastic bag can be used as a cold compress for a sore calf muscle. A medical professional should be consulted if calf muscle pains persist over time.

Why do my calves hurt so much?

There are two main reasons for calf muscle pain: injury and an underlying medical condition. Figure out which category your pain falls under. An injury happens when you use the muscles too much, resulting in straining or even pulling it, and possibly tearing the muscles.

What causes pain in the middle of your calf?

Some of the most common causes of calf pain include muscle strains, soreness after exercising, and cramps. A more serious potential cause of pain is deep vein thrombosis (DVT), i.e., a blood clot in the calf, which needs to be treated immediately.

What is the meaning of calf pain?

Calf Pain (Definition) Means a pain in the calf. This can be from muscle strain, a clot in a vein, a torn tendon, infection or a host of several other problems, including referred pain from someplace higher up, like the lower back.