Why does my left arm hurt when I have a heart attack?

Why does my left arm hurt when I have a heart attack?

You may experience pressure, tightness, or pain originating in the center of the chest spreading down the arm, to the back, or to the neck and jaw (we will explain this symptom further down). Unusual fatigue: We all get tired from time to time, but if fatigue is new, sudden, or dramatic, it could be a sign of a heart attack.

Can a heart attack cause pain on the left side of the chest?

If you have a pain on the left side of your chest, your first thought may be that you’re having a heart attack. While chest pain can indeed be a symptom of heart disease or heart attack, that’s not always the case.

Can a heart attack cause tightness in the chest?

But for some patients, chest pain does not occur as a symptom of a heart attack. You may experience pressure, tightness, or pain originating in the center of the chest spreading down the arm, to the back, or to the neck and jaw (we will explain this symptom further down).

What makes you worry that chest pain is serious?

What makes you worry that chest pain is serious, like a heart attack. Millions of Americans with chest pain are seen in hospital emergency departments every year. Only 20% of them are diagnosed with a heart attack or an episode of unstable angina, a warning sign that a heart attack may happen soon.

What causes extreme pain in left arm?

The most severe causes of pain in the left arm is heart attack. A heart attack (myocardial infarction) occurs when heart muscles are severely deprived of oxygen due to poor circulation. This may be due to a blood clot that cuts off circulation to one or more of the coronary (heart) arteries, resulting in damage and death of heart muscle cells.

What causes sudden pain in chest?

The most common cause of sudden sharp stabbing chest pain in adults and children is pericardial catch syndrome (PCS), also known as texidors twinge. The stabbing pain is predominantly felt on the left side of the chest, where the heart is located and worsens when a person takes a deep breathe.

Does pain on left arm mean heart problems?

Pain in your left arm could be related to a heart condition. Angina, which is caused by decreased blood flow to the heart, can cause pain in the arm shoulder. A heart attack can cause pain in one or both arms.

Is chest pain a sign of heart attack?

The most obvious signs of a heart attack is chest pain and shortness of breath. Chest pain, nausea, and lightheadedness may all be symptoms of a heart attack.