Why does my ankle bone hurt?

Why does my ankle bone hurt?

The most common causes include injury, arthritis and normal wear and tear. Depending on the cause, you may feel pain or stiffness anywhere around the ankle. Your ankle may also swell, and you may not be able to put any weight on it. Usually, ankle pain gets better with rest, ice and over-the-counter pain medications.

What can be done for ligament damage in ankle?


  • Rest. Avoid activities that cause pain, swelling or discomfort.
  • Ice. Use an ice pack or ice slush bath immediately for 15 to 20 minutes and repeat every two to three hours while you’re awake.
  • Compression. To help stop swelling, compress the ankle with an elastic bandage until the swelling stops.
  • Elevation.

Why are high impact ankle fractures so dangerous?

High-impact ankle injuries are especially dangerous if the bone pokes through the skin and is exposed to the air. The open wound allows bacteria to contaminate the broken bone, and greatly increases the risk of infection.

What happens if you break your ankle as an adult?

Doctors say they’re seeing more broken ankles, and they’re more severe as adults stay active later in life. If you injure your ankle, it may swell up, hurt, and bruise. You’ll find it hard to walk. But you probably won’t be off your feet for too long. There are treatments, including surgery, that will get you moving again. Here’s what to expect.

How does a doctor put a broken ankle back together?

A medical assessment may be needed to see if there is any underlying fragility or osteoporosis that may have led to a fracture. Putting your broken bones back together requires some hardware. Your doctor will use metal screws or plates. They’ll keep your ankle stable and allow it heal. He might add a new piece of bone in a procedure called a graft.

What are the most common ankle bone injuries?

Ankle Bone Injuries. Injuries to the ankle usually take the form of fractures, strains, or sprains. Ankle fractures are very common and can range in severity from less serious avulsion injuries to severe breaks of the tibia or fibula. In most cases only the tibia or fibula are injured.

High-impact ankle injuries are especially dangerous if the bone pokes through the skin and is exposed to the air. The open wound allows bacteria to contaminate the broken bone, and greatly increases the risk of infection.

What happens to your feet and ankles as you age?

As your feet age, connective tissues called ligaments can begin to stretch out, reducing the height of your arch (referred to as fallen arches) and leading to a condition known as flat feet (pes planus).

Can a person bear weight on a broken ankle?

Inability to bear weight on your injured ankle — However, if you can bear weight on the ankle, don’t assume there is no fracture. In open fractures, severe ankle deformity, with portions of the fractured bone visible through broken skin After reviewing your symptoms, the doctor will want to know:

What does it mean when your ankle joint is worn out?

In simple terms, osteoarthritis means breakdown or loss of joint cartilages at your ankle joint. The bone cartilage is vital in providing cushioning effect by preventing bones from rubbing against each other. If cartilage at your ankles gets worn out, it causes direct contact of bones at the joint.