Why does my 18 month old keep getting colds?

Why does my 18 month old keep getting colds?

Why does my child get so many colds? It’s perfectly normal for your child to get eight colds or more every year . This is because her immune system is still developing, which means it can’t fend off cold viruses as well as an adult’s . The common cold is also sometimes known as an upper respiratory tract infection .

Is it normal for toddlers to get sick often?

Most children start to get colds after about six months of age. This is when the immunity they received from their mom fades. After that, they have to build up their own immune system. Babies, toddlers, and preschoolers may get as many as seven to eight colds a year!

How long has my daughter been sick with a cold?

This is the first time in 5-6 years she has been so sick continuously. She gets well, then catches another cold. She is mildly asthmatic and the colds go to her chest so we have frequent sleepless nights. I have taken my daughter to our pediatrician 2 or 3 times.

When do babies get sick all the time?

There are a couple of things you also have to remember: Babies get sick any/every where. The incubation period for most illnesses is 3-6 days, so that means the sickness is spreading during that time often without any signs/symptoms. Also it is complete normal for babies to get sick more frequently the first 18-24 months.

Why did my daughter get sick in 7th grade?

She had been a kid with ear infections as a younger child, but had ”grown out” of them. Then came her 7th grade school year where she got sick and it migrated from her head to her ears to her chest (bronchitis) back to her head, around and around. She had so much fluid in her ears that she was functionally deaf for a couple of months.

Should I be worried if my child gets sick too often?

First, look at your child’s general health. If your child is vigorous and gaining weight, you don’t have to worry about their health. Your child is no sicker than the average child of their age. Children get over colds by themselves. And although you can reduce the symptoms, you can’t shorten the course of each cold.

This is the first time in 5-6 years she has been so sick continuously. She gets well, then catches another cold. She is mildly asthmatic and the colds go to her chest so we have frequent sleepless nights. I have taken my daughter to our pediatrician 2 or 3 times.

First, look at your child’s general health. If your child is vigorous and gaining weight, you don’t have to worry about their health. Your child is no sicker than the average child of their age. Children get over colds by themselves. And although you can reduce the symptoms, you can’t shorten the course of each cold.

Why does my toddler get sick all the time?

Right about the time that she started daycare was the time that she started getting sick all the time. Bronchial infections, high fevers, pink eye, ear infections all the time. For the ears, I’m scheduling an appointment to get my daughter checked by an ear specialist to see if it’s just as simple as putting tubes in her ears.

She had been a kid with ear infections as a younger child, but had ”grown out” of them. Then came her 7th grade school year where she got sick and it migrated from her head to her ears to her chest (bronchitis) back to her head, around and around. She had so much fluid in her ears that she was functionally deaf for a couple of months.