Why do the sides of my knees hurt?

Why do the sides of my knees hurt?

For instance, pain on the inside or medial side of the knee (the side closest to the other knee) can be caused by medial meniscus tears, MCL injuries, and arthritis, whereas pain on the outside of the knee, or lateral side, can be caused by lateral meniscus tears, LCL injuries, IT band tendonitis, and arthritis.

Why do behind my knees get inflamed?

What causes behind knee swelling? A Baker’s cyst is a common cause of a swollen area or lump behind the knee. This condition develops when joint fluid leaks out from the joint cavity into the tissues behind the knee. Other causes include infections, bleeding, trauma, and rarely, tumors.

How can I reduce the inflammation in my knee tendons?

Follow these recommendations to relieve the knee pain.

  1. Rest. Refrain from the activity that caused the tendinitis.
  2. Ice. Apply ice wrapped in a towel for 15 minutes once or twice a day.
  3. Elevate.
  4. Take OTC medicine.
  5. Compress.
  6. Ease back into activity.

What are the symptoms of pain in the back of the knee?

Symptoms include: 1 pain in and behind your knee 2 swelling behind your knee 3 stiffness and trouble flexing your knee

Where do you feel patellar tendonitis in the knee?

With patellar tendonitis, the pain will be located around the patellar tendon. You will feel it on the side of your kneecap, in front of your kneecap, and sometimes even behind the kneecap.

What causes pain and inflammation in the knee?

Inflammation in the knee can be caused by a lot of different conditions, such as arthritis, tendinitis, bursitis, or an injury to the muscles or tendons around the knee. Once the knee is injured, inflammation begins as the knee starts to heal itself.

Why does my knee hurt when I bend my leg?

You may feel better after you warm up, but if you don’t rest the injury and give it a chance to heal, it could get worse. It’s tough to bend or stretch your leg. Your knee feels stiff and sore and may swell after you’ve been moving around. You’ve probably worn down the cartilage, the stuff that helps cushion the ends of your bones.

Symptoms include: 1 pain in and behind your knee 2 swelling behind your knee 3 stiffness and trouble flexing your knee

What are the symptoms of patellar tendonitis in the knee?

Patellar Tendonitis Symptoms: Where You Will Feel the Pain. Some symptoms that don’t happen with patellar tendonitis are pain on the side of the knee, pain behind the knee, swelling of the knee, or inability to fully flex or extend the knee.

Why does my knee hurt when I bend my knee?

As the knee cyst fills up with more fluid and grows, there will be more obvious swelling behind the knee with pain, particularly when bending the knee as this squashes the popliteal cyst. If the popliteal cyst behind the knee bursts, the fluid seeps down into the calf and pain typically radiates down towards the ankle.

Why does my patellar tendon hurt when I straighten my knee?

Patellar Tendonitis Symptoms: Where You Will Feel the Pain. The patellar tendon connects your patella, the kneecap, to the shinbone. You use this tendon every time you straighten your knee. This tendon can withstand very high forces, but in spite of its durability, the patellar tendon can still wear down over time if it’s frequently overstressed.