Why do my knees hurt when I play basketball?

Why do my knees hurt when I play basketball?

Wrapping too tight or with a horizontal wrap can impair healing blood flow to the knees. Stretch the muscles supporting the knees once the soreness abates, and daily thereafter. Tight muscles may lead to future injury.

What causes an injury to a basketball player?

Injuries while playing basketball are commonly caused by falls, player contact, awkward landings, abrupt changes in direction and being hit by the ball.

How did my son get hit in the head playing basketball?

While playing basketball at school, her son received an elbow to the head. The blow knocked him out cold for 3 seconds. Mom said her son seemed strange that evening: “out of it” and lethargic. He went to bed early. The next day, everything seemed back to normal, but this anxious mom decided to make a trip to the hospital for an evaluation.

Who are the NBA players that wear knee sleeves?

NBA Players Renowned for Wearing Knee Sleeves: Dwayne Wade: Dwyane Wade is one player who is never seen on the court without compression sleeves on both legs. Lebron James: Lebron is another player who is rarely seen on court without one of the best knee sleeves around.

Can a basketball player tear the meniscus in his knee?

The meniscus is a tough, rubbery piece of cartilage located between your thighbone and shinbone. It acts as a shock absorber in the knee. Basketball players may tear the meniscus if the knee twists awkwardly during play.

What causes a dislocated kneecap in a basketball player?

Kneecap (patella) dislocation, or patellar subluxation, occurs when the triangle-shaped bone covering the knee (patella) moves out of place. This is a common occurrence in young athletes, especially females. Most commonly, the kneecap (patella) dislocates due to a twisting stress to the knee.

What causes a torn ACL in a basketball player?

TORN ACL (ANTERIOR CRUCIATE LIGAMENT) A basketball knee injury that causes the knee to twist or bend too far, are accompanied by a pop or two, hurt a lot, put you to the court, swell up fast, and result in stoppage of play to assist you off the field. This is almost always due to a complete tear of the ACL, the most important knee ligament.

Why does my knee hurt when I play basketball?

A basketball knee injury that causes the knee to twist or bend too far, are accompanied by a pop or two, hurt a lot, put you to the court, swell up fast, and result in stoppage of play to assist you off the field. This is almost always due to a complete tear of the ACL, the most important knee ligament.