Why do men get dizzy spells?

Why do men get dizzy spells?

Dizziness occurs when there is not enough blood reaching the brain. It can result from a sudden drop in blood pressure or dehydration. Dizziness often accompanies health problems like the flu, allergies, or hypoglycemia. It also can indicate a serious health risk like heart disease, stroke, or shock.

When to call the doctor for dizzy spells?

However, if you ever experience any of the following symptoms, call 911 or your doctor immediately: dizziness with severe headache or sudden vomiting; changes in your speech, vision or hearing; dizziness combined with chest pains or an irregular heart beat.

What does it mean when you feel dizzy all of a sudden?

Dizziness can be characterized by sensations such as feeling faint, woozy, weak or unsteady. When that dizzy feeling makes it feel as though you or the room are spinning, it’s called vertigo.

Why does it take so long for a dizzy spell to pass?

A lot of the time, dizzy spells pass pretty quickly or fade when you address the problem (such as drinking water when you’re dehydrated). However, if a dizzy spell doesn’t pass, that could be a sign something else might be going on. Constant or long-lasting dizziness is often a sign of a more serious ear disorder or undiagnosed migraines.

Can a low blood pressure cause a dizzy spell?

You don’t have to be dripping sweat to become dehydrated,” Cho says. If loading up on H2O doesn’t stop these dizzy spells, there are some other disorders that could be causing low blood pressure or poor circulation, leading to dizziness.

Can a dizzy spell be a sign of something serious?

In some situations, though, dizziness can be a sign of something more serious. Here is how to tell the difference between a minor spell of the spins and when it’s time to consult a neurologist to figure out what’s making you so faint. A common condition called vertigo causes an “illusion of movement,” Cho explains.

When to take a break from dizziness after a cold?

Be sure to sit up slowly after the dizziness has stopped. You should take some rest when you are recovering from some virus illnesses, such as a cold or the flu. It is quite possible to experience dizziness when you have just recovered from these viral illnesses. When you are feeling dizzy, it is important to avoid driving a motor vehicle.

What causes sudden and extreme feeling of dizziness?

Intense and sudden feelings of dizziness can also occur due to epidural hematomas. This is due to swelling and bleeding of the tissue surrounding the brain. When this occurs, pressure builds up on the brain causing sudden dizziness.

Why is my husband Dizzy all the time?

‘I felt shaky and unwell.’ His wife Gillian, who was with him, drove them straight home and called the GP, who diagnosed vertigo, a dizziness commonly caused by a problem with the balance mechanisms in the inner ear. But he was wrong. In fact, Jim had suffered a mini stroke, where a blood clot temporarily blocks blood flow to the brain.