Why do identical twins have such an important role to play in our understanding of genetics and psychology?

Why do identical twins have such an important role to play in our understanding of genetics and psychology?

Twins provide a valuable source of information for health and psychological research, as their unique relationship allows researchers to pull apart and examine genetic and environmental influences. Twin studies allow researchers to examine the overall role of genes in the development of a trait or disorder.

Why do twins separated at birth often have similar personalities?

Nancy Segal said, “We find with twins raised apart, they are as alike in personality as twins raised together. And I know that sounds counterintuitive. But what it means is that the similarity among people living together is due to shared genes, not shared environments.”

How does studying twins help understand the role of heredity and environment?

We study twins to understand how much of the difference in a trait between people is caused by genes and how much is caused by the environment. These studies are important because they help scientists quantify genetic and modifiable environmental factors that increase the risk of certain diseases.

Why are identical twins used to study the nature vs nurture debate?

The traditional way of studying nature versus nurture relies on twins. Because identical twins share the same genetic code, comparing the health of twins can help determine whether genetic or environmental factors play more of a role in their health.

What twins can teach us?

What Twins Can Teach Us About Genetic and Environment Influences

  • Identical and fraternal twins can provide insight into the effects of nature and nurture on factors such as eye color, intelligence, and autism.
  • The environment can sometimes “override” genetic advantages.

What are the effects of separating twins at birth?

The separations had some impact on their feelings of sadness and loneliness and depression as children,” she said, “so I can’t know that, but they believe it.” There may be other children, now adults, who have no idea they were separated from their identical siblings or part of this study.

Are twins reared apart really different?

The research team found that identical twins who are reared apart had the same chance of being similar as twins who were raised together. Bouchard and his colleagues concluded that genetic factors have a large influence on behavioral habits demonstrating the influence of the genetics on development.

How do genetics influence twins?

Genetics can definitely play a role in having fraternal twins. However, for a given pregnancy, only the mother’s genetics matter. Fraternal twins happen when two eggs are simultaneously fertilized instead of just one. A father’s genes can’t make a woman release two eggs.

Why are twin studies unethical?

The study, which has since been criticized for being unethical — for example, neither the children’s biological parents nor the adopting families were informed — was an attempt to get at the central psychological questions of “nature versus nurture” and the “twinning reaction.”

Which has a bigger impact nature or nurture?

(PhysOrg.com) — Nurture could have an even greater effect than originally thought, according to a University of Manchester study that is set to shake up the ‘nature versus nurture’ debate.

How are identical twins related to each other?

Among identical twins, 80 percent of those surveyed reported feeling closer and more familiar with their twin than they did to their best friends, suggesting a strong genetic component in the bond between identical twins. The Minnesota study gave scientists a new understanding of the role of genes and environment on human development, Segal said.

What was the influence of genetics on twins?

That research helped to show that gum disease isn’t just caused by bacteria, it also has a genetic component, Segal said. Another study found that happiness and well-being had a 50 percent genetic influence. In another study, researchers surveyed the separated twins about how close they felt to their newfound sibling.

Why are identical twins studied in adoption studies?

They studied identical twins separated since birth and raised by different families (adoption studies), and so assumed that similarities, if found any, must be those that are heavily influenced by a person’s genetic heritage. The study was invoked by the sensational news reports of two identical twins reunited after a lifetime apart.

Who are the twins that were separated at birth?

Twins Separated at Birth Reveal Staggering Influence of Genetics. WASHINGTON — Jim Lewis and Jim Springer were identical twins raised apart from the age of 4 weeks.

Twins Separated at Birth Reveal Staggering Influence of Genetics. WASHINGTON — Jim Lewis and Jim Springer were identical twins raised apart from the age of 4 weeks.

That research helped to show that gum disease isn’t just caused by bacteria, it also has a genetic component, Segal said. Another study found that happiness and well-being had a 50 percent genetic influence. In another study, researchers surveyed the separated twins about how close they felt to their newfound sibling.

Among identical twins, 80 percent of those surveyed reported feeling closer and more familiar with their twin than they did to their best friends, suggesting a strong genetic component in the bond between identical twins. The Minnesota study gave scientists a new understanding of the role of genes and environment on human development, Segal said.

What are the genetic similarities between twin brothers?

Twin brothers separated at birth reveal striking genetic similarities. “We were surprised by certain behaviors that showed a genetic influence, such as religiosity [and] social attitudes,” said Nancy Segal, an evolutionary psychologist at California State University, Fullerton, who was part of the study for nine years.