Why do I smell fishy lately?

Why do I smell fishy lately?

If you notice a fishy odor from your vagina or vaginal discharge, it may be caused by sweating, a bacterial infection, or even your genetics. The most common is cause is vaginitis, an infection or inflammation of the vagina. The odor of your vagina varies throughout your menstrual cycle.

Why do I smell like fish once a month?

Your vagina, by nature, has a slight smell. But a strong odor – one that many women describe as “fishy” – could be a sign of infection. The culprit is likely bacterial vaginosis (BV). It’s a common vaginal infection that seldom causes physical discomfort.

Is it normal to smell a little fishy after period?

During menstruation, the blood (which has an elevated pH) and uterine lining mix with vaginal microflora, subtly altering the smell. Because of this, you might also notice a fishy vaginal odor after your period. It’s nothing to worry about as long as it isn’t due to a forgotten tampon.

Why do I keep getting BV from my boyfriend?

BV is linked to an imbalance of “good” and “harmful” bacteria that are normally found in a woman’s vagina. Having a new sex partner or multiple sex partners, as well as douching, can upset the balance of bacteria in the vagina. This places a woman at increased risk for getting BV.

Why does my boyfriend have a fishy smell?

During our first summer together, I repeatedly noticed a very unpleasant, fishy odor in said foyer. After a bit of general sleuthing, I discovered the culprit. He was throwing our used condoms in the trash can in the foyer. The smell was identical to one I have noticed myself after he comes inside me.

Why do I have a foul smell when I eat?

People with IBD also have flatulence after eating certain foods. This flatulence may have a foul smell. Infections that affect the intestines may also cause foul-smelling stools. Gastroenteritis, an inflammation of the stomach and intestines, can occur after eating food contaminated with:

What are the symptoms of a change in body odor?

If the change in odor is due to infection, the smell may also be accompanied by: 1 redness 2 a rash 3 itching 4 oozing, discharge, or discoloration

Why do I have phantom foul smell after covid-19?

Her results, published by the Oxford University Press this summer, suggested that both were caused by COVID-19 — and may be linked to patients’ previous loss of smell. “Phantosmia does seem to happen following [loss of smell] that is due to other viral infections.

Why do I have a fishy smell after my period?

During menstruation, the blood (which has an elevated pH) and uterine lining mix with vaginal microflora, subtly altering the smell. Because of this, you might also notice a fishy vaginal odor after your period.

Is it normal to have a fishy smell after sex?

A fishy vaginal odor after unprotected sex could be normal if the smell is subtle or it goes away after bathing and has no accompanying symptoms like itching or burning. This is due to the mix of vaginal discharge and sperm and their related pH levels.

Why does my Walmart have a fishy smell?

At my Walmart it is over in the hardware side of the store. Even though the drain is not clogged there could be build up inside the pipe walls causing that odor. Greg, we had the fishy smell in two locations of our house and for us it was not outlets.

Why does my light bulb smell like fish?

Hi, I just signed up to tell you guys I also had the fishy smell and for me it WASNT the outlet but it was an actual cord/socket that smelled fishy. I bought clear pendant light (the plug in type) cords on Amazon to hang with some rice paper lamps and realized whenever they are turned on, they smell like fish.