Why do I have purple spots on my Arms?

Why do I have purple spots on my Arms?

Actinic purpura: Many older folks develop this as a result of long-time sun damage to the little blood vessels in the arms, which break under the weight of the blood c Read More 90,000 U.S. doctors in 147 specialties are here to answer your questions or offer you advice, prescriptions, and more.

When to see a purple spot on your skin?

If certain areas of your skin have become purple or you see some purple spots developing on your skin, an important advice to you is not take it lightly and immediately consult a doctor.

What causes purple lines on the surface of the skin?

Weakened blood vessels that can burst easily and lead to leakage of blood under the surface of the skin to cause. Inflamed blood vessel under the surface of the skin that may appear as purple lines in the affected area of your skin. Deficiency of vitamin C or scurvy can result in the purple dot, spots, mark or patches on the surface of the skin.

What are the different types of purple spots?

These spots or patches are usually characterized by the following: Small or large raised purple spots on skin surface. Flat purple patches on skin that are irregular shaped. Clots of blood beneath the skin surface. Blood-filled blister or bumps on skin surface.

“Purpura“ refers to blood that’s lost from the blood vessels and trapped in the skin resulting in a purple spot. While we often refer to this as a condition caused by aging, it’s more accurately a condition caused by years of sun damage.

What causes purple purpura spots on the skin?

Systemic lupus erythema is an autoimmune disorder that causes your skin to develop purple blood spots under the skin; Infection of Rocky Mountain spotted fever that can be spread by infected tick bites. it is caused by bacteria that may lead to purpura spots on your arms, legs and other parts of your body. How to Get Rid of Purple Spots on Skin

What causes purple blood clots under the skin?

Blood clotting disorders that can lead to the formation of purple blood clots under the surface of your skin. Use of certain medications that have side effects of interfering with a normal functioning of your blood platelets hence can lead to hemorrhage under the skin surface. A congenital disorder that is present since your birth.

What are some potential causes of blood spots on the arms?

What Are Some Potential Causes of Blood Spots on the Arms? Blood spots on the arms, a condition called purpura, may be the result of congenital disorders, weak blood vessels, a vitamin C deficiency, steroid use or inflamed blood vessels, according to Healthline.