Why do I have a cold for months?

Why do I have a cold for months?

The average cold lasts about three days to two weeks, so if your cough isn’t going away, it could be because the cold medicine isn’t cutting it. Allergies, pneumonia, sinus infections, and acute bronchitis can last for weeks—or sometimes months— rather than days.

Can colds turn into infections?

Colds can progress to become sinus infections, but not all sinus infections are viral. Bacteria and even allergies also can cause sinus infections. “A sinus infection occurs when the sinus lining becomes inflamed, preventing the sinuses from draining,” he says.

Can a sinus infection start after a cold?

A sinus infection may start after a cold. It can also happen because of something called a deviated septum, which refers to a shift in your nasal cavity. How Is a Sinus Infection Diagnosed and Treated? Your doctor will give you a physical exam and take your medical history. You might get a CT scan of your sinuses.

How long does sinusitis last in the body?

Most people recover from a cold in 5 to 10 days. Sinusitis can remain in the body for 4 weeks or for over 3 months in people with a chronic case of the condition. Fast facts on cold and sinusitis symptoms Sinusitis is an infection of the spaces behind the nose.

How often should a child have a cold?

We asked the experts to help us explore this mystery. Here’s what we found out about some common childhood conditions. What’s normal: Five or six a year is average; eight to 10 is in the normal range. What’s not: A cold with a fever that lasts more than five days; difficulty breathing (beyond a stuffy nose); a cold that lasts more than 10 days.

When is the best time to get a cold?

Rhinoviruses and a few other cold-causing viruses seem to survive best in cooler weather. Their numbers surge in September and begin to dwindle in May. During summer months, the viral landscape begins to shift.

Can a cold cause a sore throat and cough?

A sore throat can take many forms — it can be scratchy or itchy, burn, or cause painful swallowing. Many times a sore throat is accompanied by a pesky cough, which can irritate the tender throat even more. Many common colds and viruses can cause a sore throat that typically subsides within a few days.

How long does a sinus infection last from a cold?

This kind of acute viral sinusitis usually lasts seven to 10 days. In rare instances, you may get a bacterial infection as a result of a cold, resulting in acute bacterial sinusitis. If that happens, cold symptoms get worse after seven to 10 days.

How long does it take for a sore throat to go away?

Many times a sore throat is accompanied by a pesky cough which can irritate the tender throat even more. Many common colds and viruses can cause a sore throat that typically subsides within a few days.

When does a cold become a bacterial infection?

In rare instances, you may get a bacterial infection as a result of a cold, resulting in acute bacterial sinusitis. If that happens, cold symptoms get worse after seven to 10 days. You also may have yellow or green nasal drainage, pain in your face or teeth, and a fever.