Why do I get indigestion on holiday?

Why do I get indigestion on holiday?

It’s more common to experience heartburn after consuming a large meal, especially one high in fats—and for most people, that’s exactly what holiday meals are like. Fatty foods (such as green bean casserole or gravy) and overeating can slow down digestion, which also contributes to acid reflux.

Why do I get indigestion after eating pastry?

There are two ways that high-fat foods can trigger heartburn. First, they may relax the lower esophageal sphincter, the muscle that acts as a barrier between the esophagus and the stomach. When this muscle relaxes, stomach acid can escape from the stomach into the esophagus and cause heartburn ( 5 ).

Why does bread give me indigestion?

CARBOHYDRATES GIVE YOU INDIGESTION Many experts believe that it is in fact gluten that causes the indigestion. Gluten is what gives bread its chewy texture and is a substance that many people are sensitive or intolerant of.

What does it mean when you have indigestion all the time?

It’s indigestion, also called dyspepsia. Indigestion is often a sign of an underlying problem, such as gastroesophageal reflux disease ( GERD ), ulcers, or gallbladder disease, rather than a condition of its own. Any treatment you get will depend on what the cause is. But there are ways you can feel better or avoid getting it.

How long does it take for indigestion to go away?

Indigestion is a chronic disease that usually lasts years, if not a lifetime. It does, however, display periodicity, which means that the symptoms may be more frequent or severe for days, weeks, or months and then less frequent or severe for days, weeks, or months. The reasons for these fluctuations are unknown.

How to know if you have dyspepsia or indigestion?

Indigestion definition (dyspepsia, upset stomach) and facts 1 Indigestion (dyspepsia) is a functional disease in which the gastrointestinal (GI) organs,… 2 Theories of the cause of indigestion include abnormal input from intestinal sensory nerves,… 3 The primary symptoms of indigestion are. 4 The symptoms most often are provoked by eating.

When do you get indigestion in a pregnant woman?

Indigestion frequently occurs during pregnancy, however, most the time, the symptoms are heartburn caused by acid reflux.

What are the signs and symptoms of indigestion?

Symptoms. You feel an uncomfortable sensation of tightness due to a buildup of gas. Nausea. You feel as though you want to vomit. Less frequent symptoms include vomiting and belching. Sometimes people with indigestion also experience heartburn, but heartburn and indigestion are two separate conditions.

How to get rid of indigestion in the stomach?

H-2-receptor antagonists (H2RAs), which can also reduce stomach acid. Prokinetics, which may be helpful if your stomach empties slowly. Antibiotics, if H. pylori bacteria are causing your indigestion. Antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications, which may ease the discomfort from indigestion by decreasing your sensation of pain.

When to seek help for heartburn and indigestion?

Indigestion and heartburn are rarely due to a serious cause, but there are some ‘red flags’ or warning signs which should be checked out by a doctor. They include: Severe pain which doesn’t settle with remedies from your pharmacist or doctor.

Why does my stomach hurt when I have indigestion?

Causes of indigestion Indigestion is usually caused by inflammation in your stomach. This is often due to an excess of stomach acid, which your body produces to digest food. If this acid refluxes into your gullet, it can cause heartburn – burning pain behind your breastbone, sometimes accompanied by a bitter liquid rising into your mouth.