Why do I feel so tired in January?

Why do I feel so tired in January?

As the days become shorter, your sleep and waking cycles may become disrupted. The lack of sunlight means your brain produces more of a hormone called melatonin, which makes you sleepy.

Is it normal to sleep more in winter?

“Many people report that they feel tired and want to sleep more during the winter,” Hasler said. This change in sleep habits is mainly due to the reduction in daylight hours in the wintertime, which affects people’s internal circadian clocks and makes them want to sleep more, he said.

What causes a person to be tired all the time?

Common Causes of Fatigue 1 Lack of Sleep. 2 Depression. 3 Anemia. 4 Hypothyroidism. 5 Heart Disease. 6 Sleep Apnea. 7 Hepatitis. 8 Diabetes. 9 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. 10 Medications.

What should I do if I feel tired all the time?

If you are feeling constantly tired, the first thing you should do is see your personal physician for a checkup. Your doctor can take a careful history, perform a physical exam, and do any needed testing to determine the cause of your fatigue.

How can I tell if I have chronic fatigue syndrome?

A simple blood sugar test can be done in most clinics, and a test called hemoglobin A1C can help determine what your average blood sugar has been over the past three months. Chronic fatigue syndrome is a disorder characterized by intense fatigue that does not improve with rest and which may be made worse by physical or mental exertion.

Can a tired leader pull themselves back from the edge?

Tired leaders can pull themselves back from the edge. Burned out leaders fall off a cliff. 1. Your passion fades Everybody struggles with passion from time to time, but burnout moves you into a place of sustained motivation loss. Think about it, for those of you in leadership or ministry, you used to have a passion for what you did.

How to know if you’re more than just tired?

11 Signs You’re More Than Just Tired…You’re Burning Out 1 Your passion fades. 2 Your main emotion is ‘numbness’ – you no longer feel the highs or the lows. 3 Little things make you disproportionately angry. 4 Everybody drains you. 5 You’re becoming cynical. 6 (more items)

Is there a line between being tired and burning out?

I know a lot of leaders and people who wonder that. There’s a fine line between being tired and actually burning out. The challenge is, once you cross the line, it’s so difficult to get back. Eleven years ago, I entered into the darkest period of my life. People had always warned me I would burn out.

Common Causes of Fatigue 1 Lack of Sleep. 2 Depression. 3 Anemia. 4 Hypothyroidism. 5 Heart Disease. 6 Sleep Apnea. 7 Hepatitis. 8 Diabetes. 9 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. 10 Medications.