Why do I feel sick in my upper stomach after eating?

Why do I feel sick in my upper stomach after eating?

Consuming contaminated food can cause food poisoning. Bacteria (or in some cases, viruses) are usually the cause of contamination. Either can induce feelings of nausea within hours of eating. Viral infections of the digestive tract, such as “stomach flu,” can also cause nausea after eating.

How long does stomach pain last after eating?

The pain becomes worse after eating, lasts 30 to 60 minutes and may come and go, becoming more constant and severe over time, says Singh. Lower “crampy” abdominal pain accompanied by bloating and diarrhea or constipation can be signs of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), says Singh.

Why does my stomach hurt when I eat?

Common signs and symptoms associated with esophagitis include stomach pain, difficulty swallowing, painful swallowing, chest pain that occurs with eating, nausea, vomiting, regurgitation of saliva and decreased appetite. Certain risk factors may increase your likelihood of developing esophagitis, including obesity, smoking, pregnancy,…

What should I take if my stomach hurts after eating?

Acetaminophen (Tylenol) relieves pain without irritating the stomach like aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen can. Probiotics aid in overall digestive health by introducing more good bacteria into your system. Fiber supplements ( Metamucil, Benefiber) help produce normal bowel movements and prevent constipation, though they can cause gas and bloating.

Where does your stomach hurt when you swallow?

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC), pain, including stomach pain, sometimes occurs when you swallow. Swallowing-related pain may be felt anywhere from your upper neck to your mid-abdomen.

What foods to eat with stomach pain?

Whenever you experience stomach ache, have BRAT: banana, rice, applesauce, and toast. These foods assist with digestion and alleviate an upset stomach. Toast help in neutralizing toxins to reduce the pain. Consider eating bland foods like pasta, rice, oatmeal, toast, and yogurt.

Why does your stomach hurt when eating?

A likely cause of stomach pain after eating is an ulcer. An ulcer is a deep, open sore in the stomach or intestines. The reason for stomach pain may be food or stomach acid that irritates the ulcer.

Why does my stomach get upset after eating?

There are a number of causes of upset stomach after eating. These include gastritis (inflammation of lining of stomach), an ulcer (either in the stomach or the upper part of intestines), gallstones, food sensitivity/allergy, or reflux disease.

Why would your stomach hurt after eating?

Stomach pain after eating can be dull, such as a feeling of fullness, or sharp as a stabbing pain. Simple overeating can cause dull abdominal pain, while a sharp pain after eating may indicate food poisoning or gastroenteritis. Stomach pain described as “burning” may occur with ulcers or with gastroesophageal reflux , or GERD.