Why do I feel a little ball in my breast?

Why do I feel a little ball in my breast?

Most benign breast lumps and conditions are directly related to your menstrual cycle, to fluctuations in your hormones, and to the fluid buildup that comes with your monthly period. Other benign breast lumps and conditions may be related to plugged milk ducts, infections, or even breast injuries.

What are the symptoms of a brain tumor?

Some of the more common accompanying symptoms of a brain tumor include: unexplained weight loss double vision, blurred vision, or a loss of vision increased pressure felt in the back of the head dizziness and a loss of balance seizures sudden inability to speak hearing loss weakness or numbness that …

Can a brain tumor disappear on its own?

Though some symptoms may come and go, a brain tumor won’t disappear on its own. The sooner a tumor is diagnosed and treatment begins, the better the chances of a positive outcome. And even if your doctor finds that you don’t have a brain tumor, the peace of mind will be quite comforting.

Where does an object go after being swallowed?

When you swallow food, liquid, or an object, what is swallowed passes from your mouth through your throat and esophagus into your stomach. A swallowed object will usually pass through the rest of your digestive tract without problems and show up in your stool in a few days.

How long does a headache last with a brain tumor?

headache pain that doesn’t respond to standard pain relievers such as aspirin, acetaminophen (Tylenol), or ibuprofen (Advil) headaches that last for days or weeks at a time

How to tell if you have a tumor or tumor?

Multiple, small, lytic lesions appear to spread across the affected area of bone. A moth-eaten pattern appears as multiple, small holes in cancellous or medullary bone; the permeative pattern typically presents as multiple, small streaks running through cortical bone.

How does it feel to have a tumor removed from your stomach?

For the past couple of days, the pain has been wrapping around my body and now even my stomach is in pain. They feel like sharp shooting, and stabbing pains. It’s horrible. If any of you get these tumors removed, please post about how you feel afterward.

When is it time to worry about a lump?

While we tend to think the worst, most lumps are not cause for concern. If you find a lump that has the following characteristics, the chances are that it is not serious: Grow large and painful with activity and get smaller with rest

What does a nodule in the belly button look like?

An umbilical granuloma is a small nodule formed from excess tissue around the cord. It can have persistent drainage and may look like an infection. However, it is different from an infection because there is no swelling, warmth, redness or fever associated with it.