Why are my legs throbbing and weak?

Why are my legs throbbing and weak?

Venous hypertension / insufficiency Tired, throbbing and painful legs might be connected to problems with the veins in our lower legs. Blood is pumped from our heart to the rest of our body through our arteries. It returns to our heart through our veins.

Can sciatica make legs weak?

Although most people recover fully from sciatica, often without treatment, sciatica can potentially cause permanent nerve damage. Seek immediate medical attention if you have: Loss of feeling in the affected leg. Weakness in the affected leg.

Why do I have weakness in both legs?

People with insufficient thyroid hormones also sometimes experience weak muscles in the legs and elsewhere. Various problems with the spine and back can cause weakness in one or both legs. In sciatica, for example, a spinal disk or a muscle in the buttock causes pressure on the nerves, resulting in pain and weakness in one or both legs.

Can a pinched nerve in the spine cause leg weakness?

A pinched nerve in the spine produces either leg weakness, leg numbness or both. A pinched nerve can cause leg weakness on one side or both sides of the body. Generally, a pinched nerve starts with mild or moderate symptoms of discomfort or tingling, and gradually worsens, causing severe pain and progressively worsening weakness.

When to tell your doctor about leg weakness?

If you suddenly begin to experience weakness after you start a new medication, tell your doctor right away because you may be experiencing toxicity. Cancer. While cancer is one of the least likely causes of leg weakness, leg weakness can be the first sign of a tumor of the brain or spine.

Why does one leg hurt more than the other?

Some causes of sudden leg weakness include stroke (due to a decrease in oxygen reaching parts of the brain), spinal cord damage, or a pinched nerve coming out of the spinal cord. Why is my leg weakness worse in one leg? When leg weakness is worse in one leg compared to the other it is asymmetric.

Why do I feel weakness in my legs?

A feeling of sudden weakness in the legs may be due to nerve and/or muscle dysfunction. Read: Leg Pain and Numbness: What Might These Symptoms Mean?

What causes sharp pain in the buttock and leg?

Sciatic nerve pain is another common cause of buttock and leg pain, one that manifests itself as a sharp, shooting pain anywhere from the lower back to the foot. The nerve can become compressed due to tightness in muscles, in joints functioning incorrectly, or as a result of a herniated disc in the spine.

Why do I feel like my legs are giving out?

A feeling of sudden leg weakness, causing your legs to give out or buckle can be alarming. Weakness in your leg(s) may occur from problems in the nerves and/or muscles in your lower body and is usually treatable. Rarely, the underlying cause may be a serious medical condition requiring immediate medical attention.

What causes numbness and pain in the legs?

Weakness in your leg (s) may occur from problems in the nerves and/or muscles in your lower body and is usually treatable. Rarely, the underlying cause may be a serious medical condition requiring immediate medical attention. Leg Pain and Numbness: What Might These Symptoms Mean? Save