Why are herniated discs more common in men?

Why are herniated discs more common in men?

Herniated disks can occur at any age, but they are most common for men between the ages of 20 and 50 years. Factors that increase the likelihood include: Weight: Being overweight puts additional stress on the lower back. Genetics: A person might inherit a predisposition to herniated disks.

How old is the patient with cervical disc herniation?

The patient is a 26-year-old healthy, nonsmoker, non-laborer. He is one-year status post C5-C6 anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) and has done well during that time. He now presents with new acute onset of left shoulder pain and deltoid weakness.

Can a herniated cervical disk cause neck pain?

Sudden, jarring motions can cause one. Sudden strain. If you lift a heavy object or turn or twist your upper body too quickly, you can damage a disk. A herniated cervical disk is one of the most common causes of neck pain. If the disk is pressing on a nerve root, other symptoms can include:

Can a cervical disc herniation lead to myelopathy?

Deltoid weakness is 4+/5. There are no symptoms of myelopathy. One-year ago he was treated for a right C6 radiculopathy (C5-C6 herniated nucleus pulposus) with anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF). Lateral and posterior anterior radiographs of the cervical spine demonstrate adequate alignment (Figs. 1A, 1B).

When to exercise with cervical herniated disc pain?

Exercise Time Frame. When you initially experience cervical herniated disc pain, your physician may recommend resting the neck for one to two days following a flare-up. You may be experiencing nerve spasms and pain that would make exercise difficult.

How old do you have to be to have a cervical disc herniation?

Cervical Disc Herniation. It usually develops in men and women between 30 and 50 years old. This is one of the most common cervical spine conditions treated by spine specialists. The herniated disc may occur from an injury or trauma to the spine, but it most commonly is a spontaneous development.

Can a cervical disc herniation cause arm weakness?

Weakness may also be experienced in finger flexors (handgrip) and other muscles. These are typical pain patterns associated with a cervical disc herniation, but they are not absolute. Some people are simply wired differently than others, and therefore their arm pain and other symptoms will be different.

Is there a hernia in the cervical spine?

Cervical spine MRI demonstrated a large left paramedian disc herniation with unilateral spinal cord compression at C4–C5 level. Similar to our case, the authors suggested that a first-order lesion within the spinal cord was responsible for the patient’s symptoms, which completely resolved following surgical decompression [ 16 ].

Sudden, jarring motions can cause one. Sudden strain. If you lift a heavy object or turn or twist your upper body too quickly, you can damage a disk. A herniated cervical disk is one of the most common causes of neck pain. If the disk is pressing on a nerve root, other symptoms can include: