Who is the person who carries out the gastroscopy?

Who is the person who carries out the gastroscopy?

The procedure will usually be carried out by an endoscopist (a healthcare professional who specialises in performing endoscopies) and assisted by a nurse. You’ll meet the nurse before the procedure and they’ll be able to answer any questions you have and you’ll also have an opportunity to ask the endoscopist.

Why was I not sedated for a colonoscopy?

They coyldn’t complete the colonoscopy due to a stricture. Although I had the numbing spray on my throat, for the whole time the tube was in, I was tring to vomit. Most uncomfortable.

What happens to your stomach during a gastroscopy?

If the gastroscopy is being used to diagnose a certain condition, air will be blown into your stomach once the endoscope is inside. This allows the endoscopist to see any unusual redness, holes, lumps, blockages or other abnormalities. It may feel a bit uncomfortable when the air is blown into your stomach, and you may burp or feel bloated.

Can a polyp be found during a colonoscopy?

These are growths that can be found in the colon. In most cases these polyps are benign, but they do have the possibility of becoming cancerous. As such, your gastroenterologist will likely choose to remove any polyps found. This can lower your risk of getting colon cancer in the future.

Do you have to have an endoscopy and colonocopy?

With a suspected hiatal hernia and family history of polyps in the colon I thought it might be a good idea to get both endoscopy and colonoscopy done and out of the way before I emigrate next month. I’ve been putting it off for years as I heard horror stories about both.

Can you have a gastroscopy and colonoscopy at the same time?

Posted 3 years ago, 7 users are following. I have just had both today and after spending so much time researching forums beforehand I told my consultant I was a nervous wreck. He told me I would be absolutely fine and to make sure I post back to say so and reassure others.

They coyldn’t complete the colonoscopy due to a stricture. Although I had the numbing spray on my throat, for the whole time the tube was in, I was tring to vomit. Most uncomfortable.

When do you get the pathology results from a colonoscopy?

You should typically get the pathology results within a week to 10 days. Pathology results will tell your doctor what kind of polyp was removed during the colonoscopy. There are different kinds of polyps.