Which terms are often associated with grand mal seizures?

Which terms are often associated with grand mal seizures?

Generalized tonic-clonic seizure is a type of seizure that involves the entire body. It is also called grand mal seizure. The terms seizure, convulsion, or epilepsy are most often associated with generalized tonic-clonic seizures.

How often can you have a grand mal seizure?

These seizures may occur several times a day. This is also called a drop attack. With an atonic seizure, you have a sudden loss of muscle tone and may fall from a standing position or suddenly drop your head. During the seizure, you will be limp and unresponsive. This is also called grand mal seizure.

Can a high fever cause a grand mal seizure?

But sometimes, this type of seizure can be triggered by other health problems, such as extremely low blood sugar, a high fever or a stroke. Many people who have a grand mal seizure never have another one and don’t need treatment.

What did my husband do when I had a seizure?

When I initially broached the subject a week or so after the incident, tears welled up in his eyes and he shook his head as he held me tightly. He didn’t say a word.

What happens when you have a generalized seizure?

A generalized seizure occurs in both sides of the brain. You will lose consciousness and be tired after the seizure (postictal state). Types of generalized seizures include: This is also called petit mal seizure. This seizure causes a brief changed state of consciousness and staring. You will likely maintain your posture.

What happens when you have a grand mal seizure?

A grand mal seizure causes a loss of consciousness and violent muscle contractions. It’s the type of seizure most people picture when they think about seizures. A grand mal seizure — also known as a generalized tonic-clonic seizure — is caused by abnormal electrical activity throughout the brain.

Can a person have a generalized seizure without epilepsy?

The most easily recognizable symptom of a generalized seizure is the body stiffness and jerking limbs known as tonic-clonic motor activity. Epilepsy is the condition of being prone to repeated seizures, but this can be any kind of seizures, not just generalized seizures. A person can have a seizure without having epilepsy.

What kind of seizure is the whole brain involved?

If the whole brain is involved, the electrical disturbance is called a generalized seizure. This type of seizure used to be called a grand mal seizure.

When I initially broached the subject a week or so after the incident, tears welled up in his eyes and he shook his head as he held me tightly. He didn’t say a word.