Which organ is under the left breast?

Which organ is under the left breast?

Under and around the left breastbone are the heart, spleen, stomach, pancreas, and large intestine. And that’s in addition to the left lung, left breast, and left kidney, which actually sits higher in the body than the right one.

What does it mean when your left breast is swollen?

Swelling of the breast can occur as a response to infections or other causes of fluid buildup in the breast tissue. Less commonly, breast cancers can cause breast swelling, particularly the type of breast cancer known as inflammatory breast cancer.

What causes pain on left breast?

Breast pain, also known as mastalgia, mammalgia, and mastodynia, is common and may include a dull ache, heaviness, tightness, a burning sensation in the breast tissue, or breast tenderness. If the pain is linked to the menstrual cycle, it is known as cyclical mastalgia (cyclical breast pain).

Can stress cause pain under left breast?

Below your breast are chest wall muscles that may spasm during times of anxiety and stress, causing pain that may last just a few seconds or several days. Chest wall pain that results from inflammation of the cartilage between the breastbone and ribs is called costochondritis.

What are the symptoms of pain under the left breast?

Some people experience the pain behind the left breastbone and mistake it for a heart attack. Symptoms. sharp, burning pain. tightness in chest. pain that usually occurs after eating or while lying down. sour taste in mouth. feeling a small amount of stomach contents (regurgitation) rise up through the throat.

What causes bloating in left lower rib cage?

Left fib cage pain: The left lower rib cage area contains stomach. Sleep and lungs. The bloating and gas suggests gastritis or peptic ulcer disease.

What causes pain on the left side of the chest?

Other digestive system conditions such as liver disease may also, at times, cause pain that feels like it is coming from your breast. Cartilage: Inflammation of the cartilage between your breastbone (sternum) and your ribs, something called costochondritis , may cause pain on the right or left side of the chest.

When to seek medical help for left breast pain?

The first priority when you have pain in the left breast is to make sure it isn’t your heart. While your left breast pain is most likely due to something else, the first question you need to ask yourself is whether you could be having symptoms of a heart attack.

Do you have pain on the left side of your breast?

Breast cancer in women occurs slightly more often on the left side than the right, although it occurs equally on both sides in men. While breast pain is more likely to be due to something other than breast cancer, roughly one in six women with breast cancer have breast pain during the 90-day period prior to diagnosis.

Why does my left breast feel like it’s burning?

Pain may be mild, feel like a burning pain, or may simply feel like breast pain. Due to the often vague and subtle symptoms, women are more likely to overlook the signs, and, as a result, die from a heart attack.

Left fib cage pain: The left lower rib cage area contains stomach. Sleep and lungs. The bloating and gas suggests gastritis or peptic ulcer disease.

Other digestive system conditions such as liver disease may also, at times, cause pain that feels like it is coming from your breast. Cartilage: Inflammation of the cartilage between your breastbone (sternum) and your ribs, something called costochondritis , may cause pain on the right or left side of the chest.