Which is the best description of an infection?

Which is the best description of an infection?

Infection is the invasion of an organism’s body tissues by disease-causing agents, their multiplication, and the reaction of host tissues to the infectious agents and the toxins they produce. Infectious disease, also known as transmissible disease or communicable disease, is illness resulting from an infection.

What kind of Medicine is used to treat infections?

Specific medications used to treat infections include antibiotics, antivirals, antifungals, antiprotozoals, and antihelminthics. Infectious diseases resulted in 9.2 million deaths in 2013 (about 17% of all deaths). The branch of medicine that focuses on infections is referred to as infectious disease.

What is the role of infection in ICUs?

Context: Infection is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in intensive care units (ICUs) worldwide. However, relatively little information is available about the global epidemiology of such infections. Objective: To provide an up-to-date, international picture of the extent and patterns of infection in ICUs.

What is the definition of a persistent infection?

Persistent infections occur because the body is unable to clear the organism after the initial infection. Persistent infections are characterized by the continual presence of the infectious organism, often as latent infection with occasional recurrent relapses of active infection.

What does epidemiology mean in medical microbiology?

Epidemiology – Medical Microbiology – NCBI Bookshelf This chapter reviews the general concepts of epidemiology, which is the study of the determinants, occurrence, distribution, and control of health and disease in a defined population.

Which is overt clinical manifestation of an infection?

Infection is the replication of organisms in the tissue of a host; when defined in terms of infection, disease is overt clinical manifestation. In an inapparent (subclinical) infection, an immune response can occur without overt clinical disease.

Which is the most commonly studied rate in epidemiology?

The most commonly studied rate is the attack rate: the number of cases of the disease divided by the population among whom the cases have occurred. Epidemiology can accurately describe a disease and many factors concerning its occurrence before its cause is identified.

What are the three factors that lead to infection?

The chain of infection includes the three factors that lead to infection: the etiologic agent, the method of transmission, and the host (Fig. 9-1). These links should be characterized before control and prevention measures are proposed. Environmental factors that may influence disease occurrence must be evaluated. Figure 9-1