Which is the best definition of the term uggo?

Which is the best definition of the term uggo?

Top definition. uggo. An extremely ugly person. This term is used when you are too lazy to say “extremely ugly person”, so, alas, uggo was created.

Is it possible for a guy to like a fat girl?

My questions danced between two topics: did he know I liked him, and was it possible for him to like me, or someone like me—a fat girl. When I confessed how I felt, he replied that he’d known the whole time. He also admitted that he didn’t return my feelings. Forrest confirmed by biggest fears.

Is it true that guys like obese girls?

I can only remember through the eyes of an obese, insecure teen girl. Though it would be interesting to know for certain, I’m glad I never clarified my relationship with Mike.

How can you tell what kind of fat you have?

It tightly adheres to the underlying bone or muscle and supports the overlying skin. Yellow fat is greasy and is barely held together by connective tissue. It hangs off of the bone of muscle and does not support the overlying skin. Without having surgery, how can you tell what kind of fat you have in a particular area?

Top definition. uggo. An extremely ugly person. This term is used when you are too lazy to say “extremely ugly person”, so, alas, uggo was created.

What’s the difference between good and bad fats?

But what’s also important is that you’re eating the healthier fats, sometimes called “good” fats. LDL is considered “bad cholesterol .” HDL appears to actually clear the “bad” types of cholesterol from the blood. “Good” fats include both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.

My questions danced between two topics: did he know I liked him, and was it possible for him to like me, or someone like me—a fat girl. When I confessed how I felt, he replied that he’d known the whole time. He also admitted that he didn’t return my feelings. Forrest confirmed by biggest fears.

I can only remember through the eyes of an obese, insecure teen girl. Though it would be interesting to know for certain, I’m glad I never clarified my relationship with Mike.