Where can I get general knowledge questions and answers with explanation?

Where can I get general knowledge questions and answers with explanation?

In this section you can learn and practice General Knowledge (Questions with Answers) to improve your skills in order to face the interview, competitive examination and various entrance test (CAT, GATE, GRE, MAT, Bank Exam, Railway Exam etc.) with full confidence. Where can I get General Knowledge Questions and Answers with Explanation?

Which is the following statement is not correct?

Ques 15: Regarding Money Bill, which of the following statements is not correct? (a ) A bill shall be deemed to be a Money Bill if it contains only provisions relating to imposition, abolition, remission, alteration or regulation of any tax.

Which is statement given above is / is / correct?

(c) procurement incidentals and distribution cost Most of India’s external debt is owed by governmental entities. All of India’s external debt is denominated in US dollars. Which of the statements given above is / are correct?

Which is the best answer to a customer service question?

Possible answers include: Breaking your workload up into daily or hourly targets to ensure that the next small success is never too far away. Living a healthy life-style. Eating the right foods and drinking lots of water in the office can have a big impact on your concentration levels.

When do you call for the previous question?

By the end of the 19th century in the United States, it became a motion to close debate and to proceed to voting on the main question. To end debate, a motion for the previous question could be adopted. It is often proposed by a member saying, “I call [for] the question”, although the formal wording is, “I move the previous question.”

How is the previous question used in Australia?

The Australian Senate has the “previous question” in its original form from the British Parliament (by suppressing the question instead of closing debate) and is also very rarely used by this body. Instead, the “closure” motion is used to end debate in both the Senate and the House of Representatives.

How does the motion for the previous question work?

Explanation and use. To end debate, a motion for the previous question could be adopted. It is often proposed by a member saying, “I call [for] the question”, although the formal wording is, “I move the previous question.”.

How does the previous question work in the House?

In the United States House, most major legislation comes to the floor under a special rule approved by the Rules Committee, and then the House, which defines the terms and limits of debate for that resolution. After debate has begun, the previous question may be used to end debate (which requires only a simple majority of voting Members to pass).