Where can I find the true power of hydrogen peroxide?

Where can I find the true power of hydrogen peroxide?

Locating the ideal 2014 True Power Of Hydrogen Peroxide, Miracle Path To Wellness – Mary Wright, Goes Beyond One Minute Cure, By Mary Wright publication as the appropriate requirement is sort of lucks to have.

When to use hydrogen peroxide for first aid?

Hydrogen peroxide is a chemical compound with the formula H2O2 and has been used as a first aid antiseptic for injured skin since the 1920’s. The simplest peroxide, it is used as an antiseptic agent, bleaching agent and an oxidizer. It is a common ‘go to’ when there is a wound, and it can usually be found in most household’s first aid kits.

How is H 2O 2 released in the body?

H 2O 2 stimulates natural killer (NK) cells, which attack cancer cells as they attempt to spread throughout the body. In the body’s immune response, hydrogen peroxide is released by T-cells to destroy invading bacteria, viruses and fungi. Blood platelets release hydrogen peroxide on encountering particulates in blood.

Is it safe to take 3% hydrogen peroxide?

Please remember that the hydrogen peroxide that is available at your local pharmacy (3% hydrogen peroxide) should NEVER be ingested orally, since it contains many stabilizers. The only grade recommended for internal use is 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide, which must be properly diluted down to 3% with water.

Is it true that hydrogen peroxide can cure cancer?

The ingestion of hydrogen peroxide… has not been approved by the FDA to cure, treat, prevent, or mitigate any disease, so vendors who market hydrogen peroxide for ingestion — or with claims that it can cure or prevent cancer, AIDS, or other ailments by whatever means — are in violation of FDA regulations and they risk criminal prosecution.

How much food grade hydrogen peroxide does pure health sell?

Still, one seller — Pure Health Discounts — continues to tout on its Amazon profile that it sells “as much as 100 tons of 35 percent food-grade hydrogen peroxide per month.” Khan, like many seeking salvation from cancer and other afflictions, said he didn’t know about any of the warnings.

What can hydrogen peroxide be used to treat?

Sites with names like Pure Health Discounts, Guardian of Eden, Jutrian RX, and more carried testimonials and detailed informational pages suggesting the use of the chemical to treat a dizzying array of ailments, from Lyme disease and skin problems to leukemia and even brain tumors.

Is it safe to use hydrogen peroxide on the untrained?

Hydrogen peroxide in these strengths is dangerous for the untrained to handle or come into contact with.