Where are staphylococcus and streptococcus bacteria found?

Where are staphylococcus and streptococcus bacteria found?

Staphylococci are found on the skin. Streptococci are found in the respiratory tract.

What is streptococcal or staphylococcal bacteria?

Strep is most commonly found in the mouth and throat. Hence the relatively common condition strep throat. The infection is often accompanied by an extremely sore throat with white patches, difficulty swallowing, and a fever. Meanwhile, staph is a skin infection that is most often the result of surgery or an open wound.

What is Staphylococcus aureus named after?

Building on the teachings of his senior contemporaries, Louis Pasteur and Joseph Lister, Ogston had observed pus from 88 human abscesses under his microscope and noted Gram-positive spherical “micrococci” [1]. Taking from the Greek word for “bunches of grapes,” he named the organism Staphylococcus.

Where does the name staphylococcal infection come from?

The generic name Staphylococcus is derived from the Greek word “staphyle,” meaning bunch of grapes, and “kokkos,” meaning granule. The bacteria, when seen under a microscope, appear like a branch of grapes or berries. “Staph infections”.

Can a person be contagious with a staph infection?

Contact with infected persons or surfaces – Staph infections are very contagious when in contact with a person that is already infected. A person with staph infection is contagious until the bacteria are completely out of their body, and any wounds from the infection are healed.

Can a Staphylococcus aureus infection be life threatening?

The infection can be life-threatening. Problematically, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) has become a major cause of hospital-acquired infections. MRSA has also been recognized with increasing frequency in community-acquired infections.

What kind of infections can streptococci cause?

group C – bacteria that inhabit the human body and that can, at times, trigger infections Group A Streptococci can infect the ear, nose and throat, skin, and other parts of the body. They are the cause of pneumonia, pleurisy, scarlet fever, streptococcal toxic shock syndrome, heart valve infection, rheumatic fever, and kidney inflammation.

How long is the Contagious period for a staph infection?

How long is the contagious period for a staph infection? Most staph skin infections are cured with antibiotics; with antibiotic treatment, many skin infections are no longer contagious after about 24-48 hours of appropriate therapy. Some skin infections, such as those due to MRSA, may require longer treatment.

The generic name Staphylococcus is derived from the Greek word “staphyle,” meaning bunch of grapes, and “kokkos,” meaning granule. The bacteria, when seen under a microscope, appear like a branch of grapes or berries. “Staph infections”.

Who was the first person to describe streptococcal infection?

The first description of streptococcal infection is attributed to the Austrian surgeon, Theodor Billroth (Figure 5), in 1874, when he described the organism in cases of erysipelas and wound infections (Billroth, 1874; Billroth, 1877).

Can a PSGN infection be caused by A streptococci infection?

PSGN is usually an immunologically-mediated, nonsuppurative, delayed sequela of pharyngitis or skin infections caused by nephritogenic strains of S. pyogenes. Reported outbreaks of PSGN caused by group C streptococci are rare. 1,2.