When was ECT last used?

When was ECT last used?

ECT was used far more in the 1950s to 1970s than it is today, and it was used without anaesthetic and often without consent. This has sometimes been shown in films and TV shows, which may not reflect how ECT is carried out today. It can sometimes cause memory loss.

What year did they stop electroshock therapy?

The use of ECT declined until the 1980s, “when use began to increase amid growing awareness of its benefits and cost-effectiveness for treating severe depression”.

When was the first modern ECT treatment?

Seiner, MD, and Terry A. Bragg, MSLS, MA. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is used to treat patients with certain types of mental illness, including severe depression, severe mania, and catatonia. It was first developed in the late 1930s, with the first recorded treatments at McLean Hospital taking place in 1941.

Can ECT lead to dementia?

The present study shows that notwithstanding other possible adverse long-term cognitive effects, ECT is not associated with an increased risk of dementia. This finding supports the continued use of ECT in patients with severe episodes of mood disorders, including those who are elderly.

When was electroconvulsive treatment ( ECT ) offered?

People talked to us about how the people they cared for had often been unwell for a long period of time before ECT was offered as a treatment. Some, like Catherine Z, thought ECT should have been offered much sooner and not as a last resort.

How often is ECT given in the UK?

We were surprised to discover that non-NHS providers of mental health services are not subject to the same scrutiny that statutory providers are bound by) Firstly, we wondered, how often is ECT actually given? We found that between 2,100 and 2,700 people a year get it.

How did John Z go after ECT treatment?

John Z was catatonic when he had ECT and it was the only answer. Although he went “on a high” after the treatments he found it very effective and nothing like the film ‘One flew over the cuckoo’s nest’.

How did electroconvulsive treatment ( ECT ) help Tania?

Tania found ECT “absolutely incredible”, although she had regular relapses and overall recovery has been up and down. After taking advice she had a tailored course of maintenance ECT which helped her stop taking a medication that was disturbing her sleep and her appetite returned and physical strength improved.

Is it safe to use ECT in elderly patients?

Research has shown that with some careful screening and precautions, ECT is a safe, effective treatment option for these patients. As the population in the United States continues to age, the use and safety of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) in elderly patients will become an increasingly important clinical issue.

When does electroconvulsive therapy ( ECT ) work?

ECT seems to cause changes in brain chemistry that can quickly reverse symptoms of certain mental health conditions. ECT often works when other treatments are unsuccessful and when the full course of treatment is completed, but it may not work for everyone. Much of the stigma attached to ECT is based on early treatments in which high doses

How often do people go into remission from ECT?

Some argue that ECT only works temporarily, the high relapse rate invalidating the procedure. Sackeim et. al. reported in the Journal of American Medical Association in 2001 that 61% of the patients treated with a combination of medication and ECT were in remission at 6 months.

How did electroconvulsive therapy Save my Life?

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) saved my life. The rampant misinformation about this procedure compels me to offer my story as evidence of what ECT can do. People call me about ECT, wanting a real person’s take as opposed to a professional’s.