When to start deep breathing after a hysterectomy?

When to start deep breathing after a hysterectomy?

Breathe slowly and deeply into the base of your lungs, making your rib cage move outwards as you breathe in. Practice your deep breathing exercises regularly during the first six weeks of your hysterectomy recovery, especially when you are spending quite a bit of time lying down.

What are the side effects of having a hysterectomy?

Resuming sex after a hysterectomy can be very confronting and daunting for many women. Sex after hysterectomy problems can include pelvic pain, decreased vaginal length, vaginal dryness, pelvic floor spasm or candida (thrush) infection.

Is it normal to be light headed after a hysterectomy?

While many of the HysterSisters experience feelings of dizziness and being light-headed following surgery, you need be sure the symptoms are normal for your recovery. Both dizziness and being light-headed can be symptoms of some serious health issues or hysterectomy complications.

Can a partial hysterectomy cause monthly bleeding?

If you have a partial or sub-total hysterectomy there is a 10 – 15% chance you will have mini periods. With this type of surgery, the cervix and a small part of the uterus remains which may cause monthly bleeding and cramping.

Are there any unexpected side effects of a hysterectomy?

Breast pain is one of the unexpected side effects of hysterectomy that some women experience. When they leave the ovaries you will continue to cycle after the hysterectomy.

While many of the HysterSisters experience feelings of dizziness and being light-headed following surgery, you need be sure the symptoms are normal for your recovery. Both dizziness and being light-headed can be symptoms of some serious health issues or hysterectomy complications.

How old was I when I Had my hysterectomy?

It’s been over 5 years since I had a hysterectomy at age 29. I’ve received countless emails from women, probably a lot like you, asking me if I’ve had any side effects, if I regret it, have I gained any weight, etc. The short story?

What should I know before having a hysterectomy?

A hysterectomy can be a life-changing procedure with major benefits and some potential risks. That’s why it’s so important to find a doctor that you trust and feel comfortable talking to before having the procedure. A good doctor will set aside time to listen to your questions and concerns before surgery.