When should I worry about ALT levels?

When should I worry about ALT levels?

Any elevation of the ALT is a direct indication of a liver injury, whether minor or severe. Occasional increases may occur in association with a short-term infection or illness. Sustained increases are more problematic as they suggest an underlying disease and a greater likelihood of liver damage.

How are blood tests used to diagnose liver and kidney disease?

There are several tests available to detect abnormalities. Blood tests — commonly referred to as liver and kidney function tests — are among the most commonly used. In a typical blood chemistry profile, six liver function and two kidney function tests are done. See box.

When to stop testing for liver and kidney disease?

Further tests may be done to determine more precisely the extent of damage. Besides follow-up tests, it should be emphasized that if a particular chemical substance, whether work-related or not, is causing the abnormality in the liver or a kidney function tests, exposure should be stopped to prevent further damage to these organs.

What happens when a liver or kidney test is elevated?

What if These Tests are Elevated? If either a liver or a kidney function test is elevated, then the next step is to determine what is causing the elevation. It is important to remember that elevated liver or kidney tests are not diagnoses in themselves but rather serve as indicators of abnormal function of these organs.

What causes an abnormal liver function test result?

This is one of the most common liver diseases that cause patients to have abnormal lab results. Rarer diseases such as Wilson’s disease, alpha-1-antitrypsin disease, hemochromatosis, autoimmune hepatitis, and primary biliary cirrhosis could also cause elevations in these test results.

Further tests may be done to determine more precisely the extent of damage. Besides follow-up tests, it should be emphasized that if a particular chemical substance, whether work-related or not, is causing the abnormality in the liver or a kidney function tests, exposure should be stopped to prevent further damage to these organs.

There are several tests available to detect abnormalities. Blood tests — commonly referred to as liver and kidney function tests — are among the most commonly used. In a typical blood chemistry profile, six liver function and two kidney function tests are done. See box.

What are normal blood test results for liver function?

Results Normal blood test results for typical liver function tests include: ALT. 7 to 55 units per liter (U/L) AST. 8 to 48 U/L

What if These Tests are Elevated? If either a liver or a kidney function test is elevated, then the next step is to determine what is causing the elevation. It is important to remember that elevated liver or kidney tests are not diagnoses in themselves but rather serve as indicators of abnormal function of these organs.