When should I take my child to the ER for stitches?

When should I take my child to the ER for stitches?

But call the doctor right away if:

  1. There’s growing redness, warmth, or swelling around the wound.
  2. Red streaks are coming from the wound.
  3. Pus drains from the wound.
  4. The edges of the wound start to separate.
  5. Your child develops pain or a fever.
  6. The stitches have started to come out or the wound is opening up.

How long does a stitched wound take to heal?

These are the usual time periods: stitches on your head – you’ll need to return after 3 to 5 days. stitches over joints, such as your knees or elbows – you’ll need to return after 10 to 14 days. stitches on other parts of your body – you’ll need to return after 7 to 10 days.

How do I know if my son needs stitches?

When Does My Child Need Stitches?

  1. Apply pressure to the cut for five minutes.
  2. The cut is more than ½-inch deep or longer.
  3. The cut is around their eye.
  4. The cut is on their face or neck and is longer than ¼ inch.
  5. The cut is gaping open.
  6. There is an object sticking out of it, including debris or glass.
  7. The cut is spurting blood.

Can a pediatrician give stitches?

Most primary care pediatricians do not suture children—or perform any invasive procedures—in their office.

What happens if stitches get wet?

After 48 hours, surgical wounds can get wet without increasing the risk of infection. After this time, you can get your stitches wet briefly with a light spray (such as in the shower), but they should not be soaked (for example, in the bath). Make sure you pat the area dry afterwards.

When do I need to remove my stitches?

Stitches need to be removed after your wound has healed. How do I care for my stitches? Protect the stitches. You may need to cover your stitches with a bandage for 24 to 48 hours, or as directed. Do not bump or hit the suture area. This could open the wound. Do not trim or shorten the ends of your stitches.

What do you need to know about stitches?

Care For Your Stitches 1 WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW: 2 Stitches, or sutures, are used to close cuts and wounds on the skin. 3 Protect the stitches. 4 Elevate your wound. 5 Your stitches come apart…

How long after stitches can you bathe?

Wait 12 to 24 hours after you receive your stitches before you take a shower. Take showers instead of baths. Do not take a bath or swim. Your healthcare provider will give you instructions for bathing with your stitches.