What type of doctor should I see for severe leg cramps?

What type of doctor should I see for severe leg cramps?

Which Types of Doctors Treat Muscle Cramps? While primary-care doctors most commonly treat muscle cramps, other specialist physicians who can be involved include orthopedists, rheumatologists, physiatrists, neurologists, and intensive-care physicians.

What to do when you have really bad foot cramps?

Stretch your foot forcefully to relieve the cramp by flexing your foot and pressing down on your big toe. Walking around and jiggling your leg may also help with both foot and leg cramps. Taking a warm bath or shower or using ice may ease any lingering pain. Deep tissue massage may help in the long term.

When to see a doctor for foot and leg cramps?

You should contact your doctor if your foot and leg cramps are severe and occur frequently. 21 Other reasons for calling your doctor about muscle cramping include muscle weakness and atrophy and the inability to sleep because of nighttime cramps. Alcoholics who experience foot and leg cramping should seek medical care.

What does it mean when your leg and foot Cramp?

Whether you call it a foot or leg cramp (aka “charley horse”), it’s a common, somewhat mysterious pain that happens when a muscle gets involuntarily stiff and can’t relax.

How to get rid of foot cramps while sitting?

Towel stretch. Do this stretch while you sit: Keep legs outstretched in front of you. Point the toes of your affected foot at the ceiling so that the leg is engaged. Take a towel or neck tie and wrap it around your foot, holding it with both hands. Lift the leg slightly until you feel a good stretch.

How to deal with Charley horse foot cramps?

Point the toes of your affected foot at the ceiling so that the leg is engaged. Take a towel or neck tie and wrap it around your foot, holding it with both hands. Lift the leg slightly until you feel a good stretch. Stay well hydrated. Stretch each day, especially before you exercise. Limit or avoid alcohol.

You should contact your doctor if your foot and leg cramps are severe and occur frequently. 21 Other reasons for calling your doctor about muscle cramping include muscle weakness and atrophy and the inability to sleep because of nighttime cramps. Alcoholics who experience foot and leg cramping should seek medical care.

What causes muscle cramps in legs and feet?

Dr. Oz, Dr. Weil, the Mayo Clinic, and other leading authorities, magnesium deficiency is the major hidden cause of muscle cramps throughout the entire body (including leg and foot cramps), and no prescription medication can fix it. In fact, 78% of Americans have a severe magnesium deficiency.

What to do when you have a cramp in your foot?

Massaging your feet, especially in the middle of a cramp, can help. If you are in pain, try taking an over-the-counter pain reliever. Cool or hot compresses can also relieve muscle pain.

What does it feel like to have a cramp in your leg?

A leg cramp feels like a clenched, contracted muscle tightened into a knot. It can be severely uncomfortable, painful, or even unbearable. Your muscles in the area might hurt for hours after the cramp goes away.