What type of cancer is chemotherapy used for?

What type of cancer is chemotherapy used for?

They treat many different types of cancer, such as leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease, multiple myeloma, and sarcoma, as well as breast, lung, and ovarian cancers.

Is chemotherapy used for treatment other than cancer?

Chemotherapy is sometimes used to treat diseases other than cancers. Because chemo drugs work well to kill fast-dividing cells, doctors sometimes use them to fight other conditions. Chemotherapy can be used to: Prepare for a bone marrow stem cell transplant if you have a bone marrow disease.

Can chemotherapy alone cure cancer?

For some cancers, chemotherapy alone can destroy all the cancer cells and cure the cancer (primary treatment). As an adjuvant treatment, chemotherapy is given prior to, or after other methods, to increase the effectiveness of cancer treatment.

Is chemo a type of cancer?

Chemotherapy kills cancer cells. It may be used to cure cancer, help keep it from spreading, or reduce symptoms. In some cases, people are treated with a single type of chemotherapy. But often, people get more than one type of chemotherapy at a time.

What is Kimo in cancer?

Chemotherapy refers to the use of any drug to treat any disease. But to most people, the word chemotherapy (or “chemo”) means drugs used for cancer treatment. It’s important to know that not all medicines and drugs to treat cancer work the same way.

What do you need to know about chemo and cancer?

What is chemotherapy? Chemotherapy is the use of strong drugs to treat cancer. You will often hear chemotherapy called “chemo” (KEY-mo), but it’s the same thing. Chemo was first used to treat cancer in the 1950s. The chemo drugs you get have been tested many times. Research shows they work to help kill cancer cells. What does chemo do?

Why do you need chemotherapy after a tumor removal?

Why You Need Chemotherapy. Even after surgery to remove a tumor, your body might still have cancer cells. These cells can grow new tumors or spread the cancer to other parts of your body. Chemotherapy drugs help destroy, shrink, or control those cells. It might also treat symptoms the cancer causes, like pain.

Can you work if you have cancer and are on chemotherapy?

Working during Chemotherapy. Whether or not you can work may depend on what kind of job you have. If your job allows, you may want to see if you can work part-time or from home on days you do not feel well. Many employers are required by law to change your work schedule to meet your needs during cancer treatment.

When was chemotherapy first used to treat cancer?

Chemotherapy is the use of strong drugs to treat cancer. You will often hear chemotherapy called “chemo” (KEY-mo), but it’s the same thing. Chemo was first used to treat cancer in the 1950s. The chemo drugs you get have been tested many times. Research shows they work to help kill cancer cells. What does chemo do?

How is Chemo used to treat cancer patients?

Depending on the type and stage of cancer, chemotherapy treatment may target primary tumors or cells that have spread to other parts of your body. Chemo may also help treat cancer-related pain. A doctor will make specific chemo recommendations based on: the type of cancer

What happens if you don’t get rid of Your tumor with chemotherapy?

3. Chemo can help even if it doesn’t get rid of your tumor. Chemotherapy works by killing cancer cells, so you might assume that the goal is always to eliminate a tumor. But doctors sometimes use chemo for other reasons, such as to: 4. You might be able to continue your work during chemotherapy.

How can you tell if Chemo is working for cancer?

The best way to tell if chemotherapy is working for your cancer is through follow-up testing with your doctor. Throughout your treatment, an oncologist will conduct regular visits, and blood and imaging tests to detect cancer cells and whether they’ve grown or shrunk.

Which is better to take with chemo or on your own?

Unlike chemo, these types of medicine are better at attacking only cancer cells and leaving healthy cells alone. That means they cause milder side effects. Your doctor might recommend that you take them along with chemo drugs or on their own. How Can You Tell if It’s Working?