What percentage of high schoolers smoke in 2001?

What percentage of high schoolers smoke in 2001?

The prevalence of current smoking increased from 27.5% in 1991 to 36.4% in 1997 and then declined significantly to 28.5% in 2001.

What percentage of high schoolers smoke in 2020?

Nearly 5 of every 100 high school students (4.6%) reported in 2020 that they smoked cigarettes in the past 30 days—a decrease from 15.8% in 2011.

What percent of high schoolers smoke?

4.6 percent of all high school students are current smokers (5.4% of males and 3.9% of females). Source: CDC, 2019 National Youth Tobacco Survey. The 2019 NYTS found that 5.8% of high school students were current smokers (41% for girls, 7.3% for boys). Current smoker defined as having smoked in the past month.

What was the percentage of teenage smokers in the 1980s?

Smoking rates amongst school students have fallen greatly since the 1980s.1Between 1984 and 2011 the proportion of school students (aged 12–15 years) who had smoked in the last week fell from 20% to just 4%.1 Over the same period, smoking in the past week by teenagers aged 16–17 fell from 30% to 13%.1

What was the percentage of children smoking in the UK in 2007?

Overall, the prevalence of regular smoking among children aged 11-15 remained stable at between 9% and 11% from 1998 until 2006. However, in 2007 there was a fall in overall prevalence from 9% to 6%, the lowest rate recorded since surveys of pupils’ smoking began in 1982.

Is it common for 12 year olds to smoke?

Table 1.6.1 shows that in 2017, smoking was extremely rare among 12-year-olds, but that by the age of 17, 12% of males and 9% of females were current smokers (i.e., reported having smoked in the past week). Since 1984, the difference in smoking prevalence between male and female students has reduced considerably.

What are the statistics on smoking in the United States?

Selected statistics from the 2016 National Drug Strategy Household Survey include: In 2016, the male smoking rate was 16 per cent and the female smoking rate was 12 per cent (where current smoking included people who smoked daily and weekly). Male smoking rates were higher in all adult age groups.