What nerve in spinal cord affects numbness on top of left foot?

What nerve in spinal cord affects numbness on top of left foot?

The peroneal nerve is a branch of the sciatic nerve, which supplies movement and sensation to the lower leg, foot and toes. Common peroneal nerve dysfunction is a type of peripheral neuropathy (damage to nerves outside the brain or spinal cord). This condition can affect people of any age.

How can the apparent nerve impingement not show on the MRI?

The MRI showed a small herniation with “no nerve impingement”, but my left leg has been numb from the knee to foot ever since. How can the apparent nerve impingement not show on the MRI?

What causes numbness in the back of the legs?

The main nerves of the legs that are most often affected and result in numbness include the sciatic nerve and its branches, such as the common peroneal nerve and the tibial nerve. The sciatic nerve starts in the lower back and its branches run from the back of the leg all the way to the toes.

Can a MRI tell you everything is wrong with your spine?

Therefore the MRI report may mention many different findings or abnormalities, making patients feel like everything is wrong with their spine. However all, none or some of these findings may explain your symptoms. Additionally, the severity of findings is very subjective and may differ between physicians.

Is the L5 nerve separated from the S1 nerve on an MRI?

The L5 nerve to the top of the foot and big toe. The S1 nerve to the outside and bottom of the foot. The disc normally is composed of 2 parts. These are microscopic and cannot exactly be differentiated on an MRI.

What causes numbness and numbness after an MRI?

There are lots of diseases and disorders, some neurological in nature (like MS), some metabolic or systemic in nature (like diabetes, thyroid problems, and others) that can cause those symptoms.

When to worry about numbness in one leg?

If you’re experiencing lower leg numbness, it is also likely to experience: Pain: This may shoot up or down the leg with certain movements or positions. Lower leg numbness in one or both legs can be a serious cause for concern as it often signals an underlying process that requires medical attention.

Can a sciatica nerve cause numbness in the leg?

In addition to the leg pain, clients can experience numbness in part of the leg. If the nerve root is severely compressed people can also experience weakness in one or more muscles in the leg. However most people only experience pain with no or little numbness and no weakness.

When to go to the doctor for numbness and tingling?

Numbness and tingling associated with neck or back pain, arm or leg pain, muscle spasms, or rash require a call or visit to your physician but are less urgent in nature. Obtaining a proper history and physical from a physician, as well as diagnostic testing and procedures, are necessary to make a correct diagnosis and implement proper treatment.