What modifier is surgical care only?

What modifier is surgical care only?

Modifier 54
Modifier 54 Surgical Care Only. When a physician or other qualified health care professional performs a surgical procedure and another provides preoperative and/or postoperative management, surgical services may be identified by adding this modifier to the usual procedure code.

What is another term for the time after the surgery?

What is another term for the time after the surgery when the physician provides services to the patient? Conversion The _____ factor for the locale is multiplied by the number of base units in the procedure plus the time units to determine the price of the anesthesia service. -QX

When to follow up with a surgeon after surgery?

The better practice is for the surgeon to follow up, at least with the attending physician, to determine the patient’s condition until discharge from the hospital and perhaps for a time thereafter. Action Step Surgeons should always follow up with the patient after surgery for a reasonable period of time.

Who is responsible for postoperative care after an operation?

The surgeon remains responsible for the postoperative care, including infection control and recovery. The surgeon must also determine the relative success of the operation and must exercise judgment as to whether additional operations may be needed.

When to take a patient back to the operating room?

A patient has a surgical procedure on Tuesday, and later that day the physician must take the patient back to the operating room to repeat (redo) a coronary bypass, due to complications of initial procedure. The patient underwent a bilateral tympanoplasty.

What is another term for the time after the surgery when the physician provides services to the patient? Conversion The _____ factor for the locale is multiplied by the number of base units in the procedure plus the time units to determine the price of the anesthesia service. -QX

The better practice is for the surgeon to follow up, at least with the attending physician, to determine the patient’s condition until discharge from the hospital and perhaps for a time thereafter. Action Step Surgeons should always follow up with the patient after surgery for a reasonable period of time.

The surgeon remains responsible for the postoperative care, including infection control and recovery. The surgeon must also determine the relative success of the operation and must exercise judgment as to whether additional operations may be needed.

When does the physician-patient relationship begin and end?

The relationship begins when the physician first diagnoses and treats the patient, or at least participates in the patient’s diagnosis and treatment. The physician-patient relationship continues until either the physician or the patient terminate the relationship.