What medicine has expectorant in it?

What medicine has expectorant in it?

The only expectorant available in OTC products is guaifenesin (2 brand names: Mucinex, Robitussin Chest Congestion).

What are expectorant give examples?

Expectorant: A medication that helps bring up mucus and other material from the lungs, bronchi, and trachea. An example of an expectorant is guaifenesin, which promotes drainage of mucus from the lungs by thinning the mucus, and also lubricates the irritated respiratory tract.

How many days can I take expectorant?

Do not take this medication for more than 7 days unless your doctor tells you to do so. Tell your doctor if your condition lasts longer than 7 days. If you miss a dose, take it as soon as you remember.

What is the purpose of an expectorant?

Expectorants are chemicals that help you clear phlegm or mucus from your respiratory tract — or your airways. They add moisture into the mucus, making it less sticky and easier to cough up.

Are there any over the counter drugs called expectorants?

In general, expectorants are available over-the-counter (OTC) in liquid, pill, and tablet forms. Expectorants are part of the mucoactive class of drugs (i.e., those that clear mucus from the airways).

How are expectorants used in the treatment of cough?

Expectorants reduce the thickness of mucus and make secretions in the airways thinner. By loosening up the mucus in these ways, expectorants make it easier for a person to cough up phlegm and clear out their throat. Medicinal expectorants contain an active ingredient that will thin the mucus, making the cough more productive.

How are expectorants and mucolytics used in medicine?

They are used for the symptomatic relief of respiratory conditions characterized by a dry, nonproductive cough. Mucolytics work to break down mucus to aid high-risk respiratory patients in coughing up thick, tenacious secretions.

What are expectorants and what are the side effects?

Expectorants are ingredients that increase airway secretions. They do this by increasing the water content of the secretions which decreases their stickiness, making them easier to cough up. Expectorants also help to relieve chest congestion that occurs because of a cold, the flu, or allergies.

When to take an expectorant?

If you have a productive cough, meaning that some mucus comes up during the cough, or if you have congestion in your chest, then an expectorant will help. If you have a stuffy nose, then consider a decongestant .

Should I take an expectorant?

Expectorants help thin mucus so you can cough it out of your lungs more easily. These medications are useful when you have thick congestion and are having a hard time expelling it on your own. When mucus sits in your lungs, it can contribute to bacterial infections, including pneumonia.

What does medication contain expectorant?

An expectorant is a type of cough medicine that thins and loosens mucus. These medications are typically used for managing the effects of chest congestion, especially when symptoms are caused by persistent mucus. Guaifenesin, the most commonly used expectorant, is the active ingredient in Mucinex and Robitussin.

Does guaifenesin keep you awake?

Guaifenesin does not keep you awake but its side effects may be bothersome. Side effects of Guaifenesin include headache, nausea, and vomiting. Guaifenesin is an expectorant used to relieve chest congestion. Guaifenesin works by loosening the phlegm and by thinning bronchial secretions to make coughs more productive.