What kind of medications can you take for high cholesterol?

What kind of medications can you take for high cholesterol?

Many people who have high cholesterol also have high triglycerides (a type of fat found in your blood). Some medications can help lower this type of fat directly. Once these levels go down, the total amount of cholesterol is often lowered. A common prescription for high triglycerides is niacin or vitamin B-3.

What should a doctor do if you have high cholesterol?

If you decide to take cholesterol medication, your doctor might recommend periodic liver function tests to monitor the medication’s effect on your liver. However, the U.S. Food & Drug Administration no longer recommends routine monitoring for statin users.

Do you have to take statins if you have high cholesterol?

If those changes don’t have enough effect, you might start taking medication to help the process along. Statins are one commonly prescribed medication for controlling cholesterol, but these drugs might not be right for everyone. There are several treatment options for high cholesterol, including other medications and lifestyle changes.

Are there any side effects to taking cholesterol meds?

The Most Common Cholesterol Meds: Statins. Studies show that statins lower the chance of a “cardiovascular event” such as a heart attack. Side effects can include intestinal problems, liver damage (rare), and muscle inflammation. High blood sugar and type 2 diabetes may also be more likely with statins, although the risk is “small” and…

What kind of drugs are used to treat high cholesterol?

Doctors have quite a number of drugs they can use to treat high cholesterol. There are many classes of cholesterol-lowering drugs and many drugs within each class. Classes of cholesterol-lowering drugs include: Statins —or HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors—are the gold standard for treating high cholesterol.

Can a doctor increase the dose of a cholesterol medication?

However, your doctor will look at your specific circumstances and may choose other medicines. After starting treatment, your doctor will monitor your cholesterol levels. It may be necessary to adjust your dose, change drugs, or add a second drug to reduce your cholesterol levels.

Are there any alternatives to statins for high cholesterol?

Another alternative to statins is bile acid–binding resins, or sequestrants. These drugs work by binding to the bile in your intestines and thereby blocking cholesterol absorption into your bloodstream. These are the oldest drugs available to treat high cholesterol.

What kind of Doctor treats high cholesterol and blood pressure?

This is what many doctors routinely do without ever addressing why the cholesterol, blood pressure or blood sugar is abnormal in the first place. I used to practice this way until I realized that all I was doing was covering up the downstream effects of poor diet with a bunch of drugs, instead of changing the food. I am a practicing cardiologist.